Posted by on December 23, 2007 in photograph | 3 comments

I decided to join the Project 365 group on Flickr, in hopes that forcing myself to take at least one photo every day will improve my skills. Here are days one and two:


I’m pretty sure that animals will often be featured. I can’t help myself, they’re so darn cute.
If I don’t have a chance to post again before Tuesday, Merry Christmas! Thank you so much for stopping by and for leaving all the nice comments. If you only knew how very exciting it is that people actually take the time to say nice things, and you’re not even all related to me, well, just Wow!


  1. The shot with Lucy in the bookcase is brilliantly composed.

  2. The first two days are cute. I will check back to see more. Have a very Merry Chritmas.

  3. great use of the rule of thirds on the shot of Bear. Mimi was excited to see a picture of her best friend, she wants to come see you and the animals asap…

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