a sort of commonplace book

Posted by on June 20, 2007 in craft | 6 comments

Cherrybook2 This is a book I made for myself a few years ago, but haven’t been using. It’s an old book that was falling apart, so I took out its guts and used some really lovely printmaking paper for the new signatures. I bound it with some red silk ribbon and added some cherry-like beads and leaf shaped beads to the ends of the ribbon.

Lately, whenever I have a really great idea for something to create or a recipe to try, or a really great quote I want to remember, or I hear about a book or musician I want to check out, I write it down on a post it. The result is that I have a lot of post its floating around and getting lost. So into the book they will go. I don’t know why I kept forgetting to use my pretty little book, but it’s back now. It’s not so much a journal, I think it’s more like a commonplace book. Cherrybook5 I’ve filled it with sketches and ideas and notes to myself, pictures for inspiration, ticket stubs, all kinds of things. While looking through it this morning, I found a few ideas that I wanted to try out, but forgot about. It’s great to have this repository for all these thoughts and ideas. It should clear up some brain space, which is sometimes in short supply around here :o). How do you keep track of all your inpirations and ideas? Cherrybook1   

I loved looking at the Mood boards for the Decor8/Amy Butler contest recently. I think I need to dedicate a few pages for such a thing as I work on my living room. Cherrybook3

I’ve got a stack of the same really great French printmaking paper and a couple other old, old books, so I’ll be making a couple of similar books for the shop this week. I thought I’d also post a tutorial for how to make your own little pamphlet-style book, which is a great size for a travel journal or maybe a special scrapbook gift. Would anyone be interested in such a thing? Cherrybook4


  1. I tend to put cut-outs from magazines into plain scap books. But I also have a special note book with one of my Sisters designs on the front which I use for special inspirations, notes and ideas. I would love to know how to make my own books.

  2. Count me in! The “old book into new” idea is so very cool! I have LOTS of old books that are really falling apart, but would never have thought of your idea. Is the ribbon just a page marker, or does it have a part in the overall bookmaking process? I love the beading on it! Hurry up and post this!!! Where do you find French printmaking paper?

  3. What a great book. I would love to see the tutorial you mentioned!!!!!!!
    I currently don’t have a good way to record inspirations and ideas.

  4. I’ve kept a scrapbook for years (keep meaning to post about it – as i find it so inspiring). I’d never heard of commonplace books but I love the idea and what a great use for an old book – you’ve got me thinking!
    Agree about the film but did get to see will young naked, so not all bad!

  5. I have only just started a scrapbook this year and think they are so great. Yours is so lovely, the idea of using the old cover is great.

  6. Your book is beautiful. I have scrap books of inspiration, mostly cut out from mags. , I have wanted to learn how to make a book though….need to get on that.

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