Baltimore Printing Press No. 9

Posted by on October 20, 2005 in other things | 7 comments

A few years ago, when I was just getting into bookbinding, I snatched this tiny letterpress off eBay. And then it sat on a shelf. I think it’s time to dust it off and see what I can do with it. It looks as if it came with just about everything I need to get started, except that the ink roller (I have no idea if that is the correct technical term) looks as if something has been gnawing on it. I’m finding some helpful resources on the internet, starting with Briar Press. My little press is just big enough to print business cards, although I think I could sneak a postcard-sized card in there as well.  Ooh the possibilities!


  1. First of all shameless plug of my new website , plse visit and buy something ..well ok at least sign the guestbook.
    So I just spent my lunch griping about how I cannot for the life of me create a tag to go with my jewelry that converts into passion and screams out buy me !!!!! So to shut me up HeyLucy Creations is going to execute the design. I can hardly contain my excitement. I welcome ideas on design and packaging.

  2. Marne:
    This is so awesome. I have been wanting to try out bookbinding and seeing your little press makes me want to give that a try, too! Can’t wait to see what you come up with.

  3. That is SO cool! The things we can find on ebay….what did we ever do without it????
    I LOVE the writing on the press…it is so beautiful!!!
    :)Stacie RifE’

  4. hi –
    can i ask how much you paid for your press and how difficult was it to find? i’m very interested in purchasing a small letterpress that doesn’t require a garage or large studio space.

  5. I have a Baltimore Letterpress no. 10 in excellent working condition in the original wooden box with with many extra parts. It looks very much like the Baltimore printing press no.9. If anyone is interested in purchasing this press, email me and I will send some pictures.

  6. What are the inside measurements of the chase or cast iron frame that comes with your Baltimore, and what are you asking for it?
    Frank E. Schochet

  7. What are the inside chase measurements of the #10 Baltimore press you are offering for sale?
    And if you are offering it for sale how much are you asking? much
    Frank E. Schochet,
    3630 Phillips Parkway
    St. Louis Park, MN, 55426

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