blue sky

Posted by on May 3, 2006 in other things | 3 comments

What is more boring than knitting-in-progress pictures? Maybe talking about the weather? Well there is going to be a little of both going on here today, so I understand if you just click on out of here right now. It’s my blog and I can be boring if I want to be boring.


I started on my Blue Sky sky blue sweater, and it knits up just lightening fast. I’m already done with the back and have cast on the right front. This yarn is like crack for knitters, it’s so very soft and pretty. I better start practicing my crochet technique, it looks like I’m going to have to be doing that edging pretty soon. I’m working the macro again:


Delicious waves of soft blue cotton! Has anyone out there made a sweater with this yarn? I tried doing a blog search, but couldn’t find much of anything. I’m wondering how well it wears and if it keeps it’s shape, being cotton and all.

And now for more blue skies, as in the weather, not the yarn, I was fooled yet again today. It was beautiful when I got up this morning, so I went with the light, Spring-y outfit, even wearing my new espadrilles, and look what I had to drive into:


See the bright blue top half of the picture? That is where I started out this morning. And see that big dark bank of grey-ness? That is where I’m spending my day. The land where no sun can reach through the clouds. Isn’t this San Diego? Don’t we pay a whole lot of money to live in the land of sunshine, particularly in May? I want a refund. I would just like it to be Spring already, quit teasing me like this. Please excuse my dirty windshield, I kill a lot of bugs on my drive every day.


  1. I don’t see any bugs. I did pick out yarn for my sweater. I forgot what it’s called but it’s a pretty green-blue color. I figured I don’t have much of that in my wardrobe, so it would be a nice change. Your sweater looks nice.

  2. Hi Lucy
    You mention earlier that you were having trouble with your email… did you get mine about the stamp swap? Let me know… I’m keen to get started… 🙂 Jo

  3. Come to Boise… skies and 75 degrees today!

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