
Posted by on March 26, 2007 in farm | 11 comments

I know, I know, enough with the Spring already, but I really can’t help myself. Here’s the thing you should know about my husband. Don’t ever, ever tell him you like something, unless you really, really like it. Because he will make sure you have more than you could have ever thought possible. I believe I mentioned that I liked daffodils once, and so now we have daffodils. Everywhere and every kind that you could possibly think of. I picked one of every variety that’s blooming right now and took pictures of each of them. There are some varieties that have already bloomed out, and some others that are just getting ready to go, but here are the most of the current ones:
How could I ever pick a favorite? I love the icy white ones, and the pale apricot centers and the double-ruffles, and the tiny, fragrant ones and the gigantic ones, and the pale ones with the deep orange centers. I know, this is my favorite:
All bunched together in a sweet smelling bouquet.

It seems that my sister is smitten too. Even in Italy, daffodils have an irresistable charm.


  1. This is awesome. I love daffodils and I’ve never seen so many kinds next to each other.

  2. This may sound silly for a Dutch girl but I’ve never seen so many varieties. They are beautiful. Oh and I love that salt and pepper shaker in your other post. I still have the one pair you sent me and they are my most priced possession. Happy spring :o)

  3. At least you HAVE ’em! I think the bunnies (evil bunnies) ate all my bulbs this winter. I planted over 100 tulip and daffodil bulbs in the fall, and I have seen only a few shoots coming up. If the bunnies didn’t get ’em, the chickens will! They have been eating out of my perennial beds for a couple of weeks now…scratching, then pecking, scratching some more, and pecking again. I am going to have to put some fencing up over their coop to keep them from flying over once my veggies are put in.

  4. Daffodils are really really lovely flowers. Great pictures!

  5. I love those pictures, I could just look at them all day. I didn’t know there were so many varieties, either. I have never seen those icy white ones, but I like ’em a lot.

  6. Lovely post!!!!!

  7. Thanks for the comment. I truly do love your blog. Thanks for the info. I have the Wrap Style, so I’ll probably end up picking that book up sometime this week! Thanks SO much =) Keep up the GREAT work on your blog and take care.

  8. Beautiful photos! I love daffodils!!

  9. These photos are almost as beautiful as your photos of chicks! Totally lovely and springlike considering we are a long way off from such beauty. Thanks for the glimpse of spring.

  10. You are a genius photographer.
    Somebody give Lucy one of those fancy Digital SLRs and she can quit her day job!

  11. Wow, I had no idea you had so many daffodils! I love the crinkly ones, they look so old fashioned. I loved the evil bunny comment, we have the same problem with ground squirrels, (evil ground squirrels)!

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