
Posted by on June 1, 2004 in other things, Uncategorized | 2 comments

At last, here are the pictures of my Farmer’s Market bag.
Before Felting:

And After Felting:

It was definitely the most challanging thing I’ve knitted so far. It’s a little lumpy after felting, which is mostly my fault, as I had to go pick up a pizza shortly after putting it in the washing machine. I should have checked more often, but after the first wash cycle, it hadn’t felted a whole lot, so I put it in for a second cycle. Also, it shrank more width-wise than length-wise, so it’s a little more deep and narrow than I was expecting. I also don’t much care for the orange flecks, which I wasn’t sure about when I was doing them (duplicate stitch), and so I only did them on one side. I may try to take them off, but I’m not sure if it will work or not. I have gotten lots of compliments on it though, from complete strangers, even. It’s great for toting around lots of stuff, including knitting, and my knitting needles don’t poke through.

Since I’ve finished a couple of things lately, I treated myself to yarn for Salt Peanuts and even joined a knit-along, my first ever!
knitting_sp01_orangeI finally decided to go with ‘Hyacinth’ (a nice lavender), because I’ve been doing a lot of knitting in blues and pinks, and my first choice, Mulberry, was all sold out. Now I just have to wait for my yarn to get here :o).

My parents were in town for the weekend, so we went up to Julian on Saturday. We walked all over the place, and hit a book sale and a craft show and took home an apple pie, of course!

Later this week Cary will be in town for a house concert. This is pretty cool, even if it is just from a small town newspaper. It’s funny the little pockets of fans he has. He’s pretty big in Ann Arbor and St. George and Southern Virginia. Not so much in San Diego (yet), but one day you’ll hear him on the radio!


  1. Your bag looks great!
    Hyacinth is a pretty colour for Salt Peanuts.

  2. Thanks Clara!
    I’m looking forward to getting my hyacinth yarn. I was quite daring and bought it online, and have never seen it in real life. I don’t think there’s anyway I’ll hate the lavender color, but I am a little worried that I won’t totally love it.

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