
Posted by on September 26, 2006 in craft | 1 comment

I wanted to give some thank you gifts to some very nice people, and finally managed to get it together enough to package them up. I love wrapping presents. I might have mentioned this before, but one of my favorite memories of my Grandma was spending a few days at her house before Christmas as a teenager and helping her wrap her gifts and make her dipped chocolates. She taught me how to get nice, crisp corners in the wrapping paper and how to tie a perfect bow. I’ve branched out a little from the traditional gift-wrapped box and ribbon wrapping since then, but I can still wrap a box just about perfectly :o) There’s a better picture of the package on the left on flickr, but I can’t seem to upload it here. I added a pair of pretty chopsticks to the bow.

So, Friday I went fishing. It was a work activity thing, and it was very very fun. I don’t remember the last time I was on a boat in the ocean, but it was just beautiful on Friday. It was lovely to cruise up the coast to La Jolla and then throw our lines in the water and catch some fish. I didn’t take my camera, unfortunetely. I wasn’t sure what to expect, and I didn’t want to risk its getting wet, so you will just have to believe me when I tell you that I caught FOUR fish! They were all just ocean whitefish, probably 12-16 inches each. They cleaned them for us right on the boat, and I took them home and we made fish tacos for dinner. Delicious! I would love to get a whole bunch of friends and family together to go out together and do this again sometime soon. I learned to tie my hook to the fishing line and bait the hook all by myself (with live, wiggling sardines, no less!). I was pretty impressed with myself for not getting all squeamish about it. At least none of them flew out of the tank at me.

I didn’t get to the cupcakes this weekend, sadly. I did manage to work a bit more on the chicken coop. and dogs were given baths, and cleaning was done around the house, but I was not feeling too good due to a very annoying bladder infection (TMI, I know, sorry!). Happily, when I last went to the doctor for bronchitis this winter the doctor gave me a perscription for an antibiotic and added a re-fill just in case I had a relapse. So it’s all good now. I cannot drink any more cranberry juice for a very long time or I may gag. 

1 Comment

  1. Your parcels are so cute. I think half the fun of present giving is making the wrapping really beautiful. Thanks for your comment on my blog. How funny that you were Nonnie too. I actually used to think it was quite unique to me but I also heard of someone else recently called Nonnie as a child. Must be an easy sound for little ones to make.

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