happy 3 years

Posted by on February 13, 2007 in other things | 12 comments

How about that, three years ago I started a blog. It’s been fun. I had big plans for a blog reader give-away, but that will have to wait for a few more days, as I am awaiting some supplies in the mail, so be sure to come back and see just what I’ve got up my little sleeve.

I don’t have any new and interesting pictures to share today, so maybe I’ll just post some of my old favorites:
Gigi’s sweet little paws.
The Free! Exotic Chick
A Room Makeover (only 5 more rooms to go)
Under the influence of Japanese craft books.
I love country Christmas’s
A favorite finished knitting project.
My Boys.
Scones and tea. I like to pretend I’m British.
An Etsy shop opened.
Some crazy fun socks.
I love flowers.

Thanks for visiting these last three years!


  1. Wow – THREE years! That is truly amazing and something to be so proud of – I love your pictures of what you’ve accomplished while you’ve had your blog! Happy Blogiversary!

  2. Love your blog, and your photos! Hard to pick a favorite, tho I am partial to the chick,,,and the dogs,… and the paws…and I love the chair on the porch, and the bedding is SO sweet, and I, too, love flowers….Well, you get the picture! Glad I found you!

  3. Happy Anniversary! I’m not sure how long I’ve been reading your blog but wanted you to know that I always enjoy your photos and stories. Especially your baby chicks and crafting talents! Congratulations and wishing you many more Anniversaries!

  4. Happy blog anniversary!

  5. Is the smaller dog a Cardigan Corgi??? I want one! (But my 2 Bostons are raising objections!
    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  6. Congrats on 3 years! Thanks so much for posting and sharing your life! I love all your pictures.

  7. Wow 3 years! What a great accomplishment. Happy Anniversary!! love all your pictures. Thanks for sharing and I’m looking forward to see more crafty & knitty stuff from you.

  8. Hi, I just found your blog. Happy 3rd anniversary. I love the pictures you have featured especially the sensational knitted wrap? blanket. It is just beautiful.

  9. Time flies when you’re having fun! I can’t believe that I’ve been clicking on almost everyday and excited to see what you are doing! You are so clever and talented! I love you!

  10. I check your blog every day. You keep it interesting and entertaining.
    Thanks for encouraging the rest of the family to blog, also.

  11. Three years? Really? Wow. You rock. Love your chicken butt photos (LOL) and your fabric… wrong post, I know, going backwards… Anyway, is one of your dogs a Corgi? I want one of those! We’re waiting until… well, actually I don’t want to say what we’re waiting for… But we have three dogs at the moment and that’s two too many as it is so… Okay, enough of that!
    BTW that knitting project is gorgeous!

  12. Happy Anniversary! Your photos are of some of my MOST favourite things in LIFE! Backyard chickens/eggs, knitting, tea & scones & fluffy flowers! Peonies?
    Great work–keep it up & thank you!

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