in the pink

Posted by on December 28, 2006 in stitch | 3 comments

I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas. I’m not going to say too much about mine, except that it involved fixing several things for my mother-in-law, and a soggy paper towel found in my salad (yes, it was as gross as it sounds). I’ve been in a bit of a grinch mood for the past week or so, but Sunday morning I leave to play for a week in Boise, where I’m going to see this person, this person, this person and this person. Oh I can’t wait! Even though I have to get up at 3:30 on Sunday morning for a 6:00 flight, I’ll be there in time for a big, noisy New Year’s Eve party. I hear we’re going to have a full drum kit, a few guitars, a mandolin, a keyboard, a harmonica, numerous iPods and an awesome Bose sound system. There may even be a visiting rock star, not including the one related to me. And then, for the rest of the week I will be going to movies, eating good food and sleeping as much as I want.

My Blythe doll now has a name, I’m going to call her Evangeline (after one of my favorite songs, ever), Evie for short. I think it suits her. I made her a new outfit for Christmas:
I love the little sneakers! That skirt is awfully short, Evie. I’m getting you some tights to wear with it. It finally stopped raining this morning, so she wanted to go for a swing.

Then I had to go to work, and she wanted to come along for the ride:
She insisted that we open the sun roof, even though it was still only 36 degrees outside. I like her pink eyes with this outfit.

In chicken news, it seems that Bear and the chickens have bonded and agreed to co-exist peacefully. One day last week I came home and the chicken coop door was wide open and their light was unplugged. I’m still not sure what happened, but the chickens were all sitting right inside the door, looking outside, puzzled by this strange new circumstance. Bear was trotting around, quite worriedly, but not bothering them at all. So this past weekend I decided to let them roam around during the day, and see what would happen. They are getting along quite well, the chickens seem to be enjoying their new freedom, although they don’t roam too far from their coop, and Bear, well, he just seems interested in eating chicken poop. Disgusting, yes, but we’ll work on that. He also wants to eat the stale bread and grapes that I bring for the chickens, but I guess it’s only fair that they share. So we can now say that we have free range chickens!

Speaking of chickens, Carol has some rescued battery hens, I think this is so great! It’s such a shame that raising chickens has changed from a farming industry to a manufacturing industry (scroll down to the November 2 entry here). I’m hardly a member of PETA, and I even still eat chicken, but the way meat is raised now is a little disturbing.


  1. Have missed you, friend! My chooks are free range also. A little TOO free range! My hubby found them across the road this afternoon!!! STUPID CHICKENS!! Albie Darn, the rooster, flies over the fenced in run in the morning, then by noon I usually let the hens out to run around. Now I am wondering if I should do this any more. They are so bold to cross the road like that! And they are not too fast, either. If I pull up in the driveway and they are there, they take their sweet time getting out of my way! STUPID CHICKENS!!!

  2. Hope you have a really great new years party and enjoy your break away.

  3. Hello!
    I ran across your blog this morning. It seems you like chickens too, hu? It’s kind of weird, I guess, but it’s so nice to see them pecking about the yard….and the fresh eggs! Right now we live on a farm, but will be probably be moving to town late this summer. I am hoping I can sneak in 3 or 4 hens anyway.
    Those egg cups are beautiful. My husband is a wood turner and he made me an egg cup this last weekend. I hope he’ll make me several more before he’s through. My youngest son and I are having fun eating soft boiled eggs with strips of buttered toast to dunk inside! Again, I know it is silly to get so much enjoyment out of somthing so simple, but…there you have it….LOL!
    Hope the New Year is lovely for you!
    God bless!

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