
Posted by on May 27, 2010 in craft | 7 comments

Some good things in my world right now:

Duckling2   Duckling3

There are four ducklings all together, two khaki campbells and two cayugas. They are from a straight run, so we don't know if they are male or female, but I'm hoping that we have at least a couple girls so we can have duck eggs. I'll tell you more soon, they're keeping me quite busy at the moment.

Also, it's one of the best times of the year, peony season!




  1. Cute ducklings and brilliant shot of the peony.

  2. they are so cute

  3. What a lovely post…fuzzy ducklings and my favorite flower, peonies~ thanks for sharing!

  4. cute pictures of the duck. I love taking pictures of baby animals.
    How does Winston do with the other animals?

  5. Any of these would be great as cards too! You can always count on me to harrass you on the notecard subject…..
    The ducklings are darling, and I love that you grow peonies! Such a gorgeous flower.

  6. Aww, I love ducklings, can’t wait to hear more stories about them.

  7. The ducks are gorgeous!

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