my girls

Posted by on November 30, 2006 in farm | 8 comments

I haven’t taken pictures of the chickens for a few weeks, so while I’m home this morning waiting to go to the airport to pick up my sister-in-law, I braved the cold wind and took a few. The girls are already 9 weeks old. They’ve grown up so fast *sniff*. I was at the feed store, my new weekend hangout, recently, and they had just received a new batch of chicks. I was amazed by how tiny they were. They were so cute, it made me want to get some more. I’m going to resist the temptation for now. Our little coop is crowded as it is. I don’t remember if I mentioned that seven of then have gone on to new homes. Three went to one co-worker and four went to another. I was relieved to find good homes for them with owners willing to provide the occasional photographic evidence that they are not being eaten, but are being kept as pets and for egg production. :o)

After a short period of typical teenage attitude, I’m happy to report that Fuzzy is once again my favorite girl. She ignored me for a few weeks, and I thought she had forgotten all the good times we shared watching TV and knitting. It turns out that it was just a phase, and she once again is the first at the door when I open it, and is quite happy to jump up on my knee or climb up on my shoulder. It looks like the last of her feathers are coming in on her back, under her wings, and she suddenly has this big tail:
The Buffs are still adorably cute and fluffy, but this one was a little nervous when I carried her over to this table and set her down. She wouldn’t stand up:
How cute is she, though?

This little Barred Rock is the piglet of the group:
Besides Fuzzy, she is always the first at the door when I come visit. I’m pretty sure it’s not my company she’s after, but the treats that I always bring with me. She always gets more than her fair share, but she’s one of the smaller chickens. She’s also the most curious. She was pecking at the camera lens while I was trying to take pictures. I have a few shots of nothing more than blurry black and white feathers.

The other day I had some left over brown rice, so I thought I’d see if they’d like it. I held out a little, and they sniffed at it suspiciously, but sort of backed away from it. Meanwhile, as he usually does when I’m at the hen house door, Bear had sidled up and stuck his head in to see what was going on. He sniffed at the rice and then started eating it. That was all it took. Suddenly the chickens all wanted some rice, and I couldn’t feed it to them fast enough. It was so funny to watch. The chickens all seem to like Bear, or at the least are very curious about him. He’s also gotten to the point where I know that when I’m out there, he won’t hurt the chickens. He sniffs at them and watches them, but he doesn’t drool as much any more. I know it just about kills him that there are all these birds and he can’t have them, but he also knows that I love them and he better not hurt them. I don’t have any plans to let them free-range while he’s out there, though. That would just be asking too much from him.

UPDATE: I almost forgot, one of my brother‘s songs will be featured on tonight’s episode of Men in Trees. Please watch! We’re pretty excited here at chez Lucy :o)


  1. Yay! Chicken pictures! I have been wondering how the chickens were doing. I found your blog through Yvestown, and I have been enjoying reading about your crafty endeavors, and of course, the chickens!

  2. I love your chicken posts- I myself want chickens so badly, alas, they are illegal in DC. But what a sweet post!

  3. I haven’t visited your blog in awhile… Gosh you’ve been busy!!! I’m so jealous of your Christmas preparations and crafty projects… we’re still working on the never ending basement remodel. Your chicks have grown up! Last time I checked, you had a little fuzzy guy perching on your finger. (sigh) It really makes me want some. The spouse will explode if I hit him up for another project such as a hen house… someday. Hope you have a fabulous holiday season!

  4. Good pics! There is an unusally large amount of snow on the ground for our area and our chickens are hilarious. They don’t know what to do and won’t come out of their hen house. My husband cleared them an area in their yard because they refused to step on the snow. Silly chicks!

  5. My goodness!! They have GROWN so so much!! I adore your chicken photos and stories!! I always print them out for Aaron to read! He will remind me to “check on the chicken lady”!!
    So fun!! Thank you so much for your great posts!!
    Happy Happy Holidays!! Love your glitter garland as well!!
    xoxo Jenny

  6. Brilliant, aren’t they gorgeous?
    You’ll be seeing mine soon though I’m almost certain they won’t be looking nearly as good as your girls.

  7. So pleased to hear about the chickens again. Glad they’re all doing well. They are so cute. Can’t believe how much they’ve grown.

  8. We will be doing chickens when we finally move into our *new* place so I’ll be contacting you for tips, advice and general information. Hope that’s okay. 😀

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