terrarium dreaming


1. terrarium, 2. Old Jar Moss Terrariums, 3. a terrarium, 4. terrarium trial, 5. this morning i made terrariums., 6. City on the Hill Terrarium, 7. Terrarium, 8. Moss Terrarium, 9. terrarium centerpiece

One of the projects not on my list is to make a little moss terrarium in a big jar I got at Ikea. I think that will be my weekend project this Saturday. Terrariums satisfy my love of miniatures and glass jars and moss all at once. I especially love the ones above with the little mushrooms and tiny houses. I think I will need to put something like that in my terrarium too. It also means that I will be going on a little hike to collect some local moss, that should be fun! This is the best time of year to head up the trail just up the road from our house.

I'm also starting to scheme and plan the curtains-over-the-bookcases project. I really love the Good Folks fabric line from Anna Maria Horner, and I'm seriously considering using a combination of these two pretty patterns:


I really love a lot of the new fabric designers, but when faced with actually buying their fabric I sort of freeze up. I have several problems. Number one: I just can't decide which I like best in any given group. What if I buy one print and then I get it home and realize that I actually really like a different one or a different colorway better. Number two: I don't feel like I can really make things for my shop out of them, because they are so well known that whatever design I come up with will never be quite worthy enough, and the item will only be purchased because of the fabric designer. Does that make sense? Like my design will be overshadowed by the fabulous-ness of the fabric. Or if I were to make a quilt all out of one line of fabric, it's not really very original of me. I'm just babbling, I don't know if I'm even making any sense. Anyway, what do you think of the above fabric choices? The curtains would be mostly the floral, with a deep hem of the geometric fabric at the bottom (like 18" or so). Or maybe I should go with a different fabric from that line…see how hard it is to commit!?

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Oh it’s so nice to spend my weekends in my little house studio. I set my iPod on shuffle, or turn on the portable DVD player, and just get to work. The quilt wall will be getting a lot of use, I hope. I sketched out an idea the week before last, and started playing around with it the last couple days.


It’s lap or baby-sized, and I’m thinking there will be three or four more flowers. I wanted to use shot cotton, and originally thought I’d do the whole thing with all solid shot cotton colors, but the quilt shop didn’t have any good, saturated pinks and greens like I wanted. I was so disappointed, until I wandered over to the batiks. I don’t think of myself as a batik sort of person, but the colors just got me, so I’m giving it a try. I’ll just be satisfied that only the background is shot cotton.


I also blocked my scarf, and am having a little fun playing with some Anthropologie-like embellishments from my vintage lace stash.


Since I wasn’t feeling too great last week, about the only thing I did was knit. I stuck mostly to my orange sweater, but I thought I’d start a couple other, small-ish projects just to mix it up a little. When I cleaned out my yarn stash I decided I needed to find specific projects for the yarn I have, so now I have a half a dozen things to chose from. I started on a shrug, because I just happen to have the exact number of skeins of Homespun in a lovely, deep purple. I needed a size 10 cable needle, so I was searching through all my circular needles and it turns out I have four size 9 needles and not a one in size 10. I’m not sure how that happened. Anyone need a size 9 needle?

I also managed to finish up the needle books and pincushions for the shop. They were a lot of fun to make, so I hope they all find good homes.



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this and that

It might be time for a numbered list, as I have several unrelated items to post.

  1. I'm still slowly going through my fabric. Here is some helpful information if you need to de-clutter your fabric stash (I imagine it would work well for yarn or other craft supplies, too). The only thing I don't agree with totally is the part about doing it all at once. It can be an overwhelming task, and I tend to subscribe to the FlyLady philosophy-you can do anything for 15 minutes at a time.
  2. Miep Gies turned 100 this month. I love her story, and all those stories of people like her who helped so many people during World War II. Also, Miep is the cutest name ever.
    This is a good opportunity to once again recommend The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It's not a true story, but still, it's so good, and just joyful, and it has to do with World War II. I think it's my favorite read of the past year.
  3. I've been sick all week, so the only studio project I've managed to complete is the hanging of this sweet little clock from Decoylab.Teaclock
  4. I completely forgot to mention that the U.S. version of Softies is out (it was originally published in Australia). The new version is called Softies Only a Mother Could Love: Lovable Friends for You to Sew, Knit, or Crochet.
    It's such a great little book, I'm so glad even more people will get a chance to buy it.

    To see more of what's inside visit the Penguin Australia site, you can visit the sites of all the contributors and even upload your own creations to a gallery. I've also amended the Flickr group to include both versions of the book, so please join and show off your softies!
  5. Sally came for a visit today while I was puttering in the little house. Please do not notice the dirty floor and scratched up door (you probably wouldn't have if I hadn't pointed those things out). I can't be bothered to vacuum or paint at the moment (see #3, above, for my excuse).
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brought to you by the color orange (and a little turquoise)

I woke up on day three of my three-day weekend with a killer sore throat. I already had a cold this Winter, so I'm not sure what the purpose of that was, but it was annoying. So I've been laying about, and between naps, did a little knitting. I'm powering my way through that to-do list, and started on my sweater. Originally, this yarn (Berroco Ultra Alpaca) was going to be an Assemblage sweater, which I love and still want to make, but because this yarn is alpaca, and therefore very soft, when I knit the patterned cuff you couldn't see much of a pattern. So I think it will be much better suited for the Diminishing Rib Cardigan in the latest Interweave Knits.


This is the first time I've knit a top-down sweater, but I think it might be my new favorite thing-no seams, try it on as you go, and easily adjust to fit! I also learned a new cast-on for this, the tubular cast-on. It was a little tricky, and I admit, it took about four attempts to get it right, but it makes sense now, and it does make for a nice edge. If you try it out here are my tips: 1. Use straight needle to cast on, and then transfer to your cable needles if you're using them, the cable created all kinds of problems for me, and 2. It will look like a big mess at first, but just give it a few rows, and it will work itself out.

Also in orange, the shot cotton scarves I mentioned last time:


I might be a little obsessed with this fabric, although I don't think I can do it justice in a photograph.

One last bit of orange (and white) for your amusement, someone found the catnip stash and had herself a little party:


Later we found her looking for pop tarts (the last paragraph of that news story cracked me up).

And now on to the turquoise. I painted my picture frame, which will eventually be an inspiration board, but it needs some help.


It's a little darker than I hoped, and also a little flat. I'd like it to be more the color of my tray, but I'm not sure what to do to get it there. Maybe a watered down greenish glaze? And a clear, glossy coat of paint? Any ideas?

And thanks for all the little pep talks about my bookcases on Apartment Therapy. I'm not letting the haters get me down, and really, the nice comments you left for me here more than made up for the snarky ones over there!

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I hope you are all had a LOVEly Valentine’s Day! We don’t go to crazy around here, a bucket of KFC and maybe a card or some flowers is the norm, but Mr. HeyLucy was feeling virtuous yesterday and decided to forgo the usual fried chicken indulgence. We made prime rib instead, and it was delicious.

I have some happy gifts for you: a few fun little game links. Gatuno is a cute adventure game. You are a cat trying to find a sad little boy a Christmas present. Wrong holiday, but the sentiment is the same. If you find that one too frustrating (and there is a walk-through available here, in the comments), here’s a super simple adventure created as a project by an animation student. The music and imagery are quite nice, even if it takes only about a minute to play the entire game. This isn’t actually a game, but it’s fun to watch (make sure you have your sound on!). Hema is a Dutch store that I loved when I lived there, sort of like a smaller version of Target. And the most imaginative of all, I’ve saved for last. Samorost is so original and lovely. It wasn’t too hard to figure out, and the graphics and sounds are just so perfect. It’s a nice little escape.

I’ve decided to do a small project or two towards the completion of my studio project each weekend, and use the rest of my free time for actually playing and enjoying the space. The projects for this weekend included putting up a shelf above my worktable:


I’ll be using it to display art. I have a few things awaiting frames right now, and a tiny Amy Ruppel painting on the way, so I’ll show more when things are nicely arranged and displayed. I also recently ordered some Black Apple paper dolls. I spent yesterday cutting and mounting them in Ikea frames, and I love they way they came out. I hung them right where I set up my ironing board when I need it, so I can enjoy them while I iron.



So far this weekend I’ve also finished knitting my latest scarf, made a couple more shot-cotton scarves for gifts, and started a new quilt. I’m planning on spending a good amount of time in my sewing machine chair, so I hope to have a quilt top to show you soon. The crocheted cushion is courtesy of one of my favorite internet people ever, Yvonne. It was part of our annual Christmas swap and I love it with the cushion I’ve got on there.


Now I just need to decide on a color to paint the chair. What do you think? Maybe it’s time for an opinion poll.


Thanks for always bing so nice around here. A couple pictures from my home were recently featured on Apatment Therapy, which is incredibly flattering, but the commenters over there are awfully full of snark. I don’t really understand why anyone would take time out of their day to criticize something as personal as another persons home, but I suppose it’s their decision how they use their time.

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another check mark

Saturday I devoted my whole day to thrift shopping/antique mall-ing in search of a dresser for the studio. Mission accomplished!


If you'll recall, it was on my Complete the Studio to-do list. Also on the list is Paint the dresser. I'm tired of painting at the moment, and it's been raining for four days, so painting is not going to be a high priority for awhile. I can live with it like this for a good, long while, actually. It would be better if it was a brighter white, to match the walls, but I can deal for now. The shape is just what I wanted, and the size is perfect. I love the handles, and, while I didn't really want anything too shabby chic or distressed, the little painted swags on the drawers are kind of sweet.I also didn't think I needed a side table, but when I saw that little white one for $45 I kind of had to get it, and it turns out that it's really coming in handy.

I managed to thin out my yarn stash, and fit nearly everything in the bottom drawer. There are a few balls of sock yarn in one of the top drawers, and it's so nice that it's all safe from those pesky cats. I decided to display part of my creamer collection on a tray on top.


I need to find some small projects for the odd balls of yarn. What do you do when you have leftover yarn or orphan skeins?

Once the dresser was organized I was so inspired by my pretty new space, I worked on some treats for the shop. There's a couple peepers in there right now, and I hope to have some pincushion/needlebook sets by the end of the week. It's so nice to work out there now. It's a small room (barely 10'x14'), but I've got so much of my junk organized and cleaned out that it's just so easy to work. 


And, since you haven't seen this fuzzy face for awhile, I leave you with the one and only Winston:


I can't take it when he looks at me like that. I had the day off today, and spent it in the studio with the rain and then snow blowing and blustering outside, and I had to let this muddy thing in because I felt sorry for him. I hope my carpet will come clean.

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scarf series II sneak peek

I still have a ways to go on this scarf, but I think it's pretty, so I wanted to show it off even though it's not done. I love the asymmetry of it. The pattern is the Juliet scarf from  Knitting Little Luxuries. I've been knitting in little blocks of time here and there, and it's steadily growing.


Those little blocks of time are like tonight, after a nearly two hour drive home because it started raining, and a quick change into pj's and hopping into bed to catch up on some favorite shows online. Heavenly!


Also, you may have noticed that my photos are quite bright, despite the fact that it is 10 pm. I owe this amazing display of light all to my new little friend, the Nikon SB-400 Speedlight. I bounced the flash off the ceiling for these two pictures, nothing more complicated then that. I feel like I've opened a whole new world for photography in the evenings after work with this handy little tool.

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