helpful advice


This photo has nothing to do with the rest of this post. I just bought some orchids at Trader Joe’s this weekend, because they were so pretty (and cheap!).

Because I’m the oldest of five, I have to give out advice, solicited or unsolicited, even though it drives me crazy when my mother-in-law tries to give me advice. I try not to be a know-it-all, but sometimes I can’t help myself. I don’t think I know everything, of course, but I do have a lot of trivial bits of information floating around in my head, most of it useless, but there are a few little gems knocking about in there. Anyway, my point is, the purpose of this post is to give you advice, even if you didn’t think you needed it. But Colleen made an interesting comment in the last post, about writing in a blank book, and that is not the first time I’ve heard that, and I have often felt that way myself!

If you are like me, and I suspect a lot of you are in this way, you love blank books, moleskin notebooks, paper and pens, back-to-school supplies and all that kind of stuff. But what do you do when faced with a brand new blank page in that pretty new journal you just had to have? You don’t want to ruin it! So you just keep collecting those pretty blank books, and they gather dust while you try to come up with just the right things to put in them. The thing is, I think pretty blank books are even prettier when they start filling up with stuff-so don’t be afraid!

Here are some ideas for getting started:

1. Don’t start with the first page. It’s so intimidating, because you think it has to set the tone for your whole journal/notebook/whatever book. Just choose a page, the second page, maybe, or a middle page, or even the last page, and just start writing or sketching, or whatever you feel like doing.

2. Use a pencil, that way, if you hate it, you can just erase it! Once you’ve filled a few pages, switch to pen. Just be sure to find a pen you like to write with, and try to keep it with your book at all times. I use a pencil all the time for sketching in my book, and write notes and lists in pen. I love a good, fine, black rollerball pen.

3. Find a picture that inspires you, and tape or glue it onto one of the first pages of your book. You don’t even have to write about it, just putting it in there and looking at it every now and then can inspire you.

Some other references that I like on this subject:
How to Make a Journal of your Life, by Dan Price
Commonplace Book (wikipedia)
Making Journals by Hand by Jason Thompson
Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life, by Amy Krouse Rosenthal-this could be a fun way to keep a journal, as encyclopedic entries.

Do you keep a journal or notebook? How did you get started?

Oh, and I wrote all this a few days ago, and here is what my brother said today. See what happens when you ignore my advice?

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spines and pages


I like how this spine came out. I tried something different and inserted linen tape through some slits I cut in the raggedy spine, and then stitched over them all the way through.

I also like taking pictures of the pages. I think this is pretty. And a blank page is so full of possibilities, don’t you think?


This book is in the shop.

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bread pudding

I’m noticing a trend here at HeyLucy. Weekends seem to be full of good cooking lately. I’ve been stocking my freezer pretty regularly now, and since the weather really turned this weekend, it’s a comforting feeling to know that now on those chilly evenings when I get home from work I can pop something really delicious in the oven and have a nice warm dinner. Saturday night Mr. Heylucy and I made albondigas soup, and doubled the amount of meatballs so we could stick a bunch in the freezer. I love soup season! Hopefully Mr. Heylucy will start chopping wood and we can sit by the fire and eat soup. That is one of my favorite things about cold weather.

I also did a little baking this morning. Since starting my healthy eating plan earlier this year, I haven’t done much baking, but I thought it was time for a treat, so I made some bread pudding with a loaf of brioche. I thought I’d savor the last of the summer berries, and added fresh blueberries and strawberries. Oh my, it was so delicious and decadant.

Here it is before baking:

And after baking (I wish I had smell-o-vision for you):

It was crispy on the top and custardy underneath, and even though I thought I was a little stingy with the berries while I was making it, there really were plenty, since they sort of melted into it everywhere. Yum.

I worked on some things for the shop too, but didn’t finish as much as I would have liked. Still, there are a few things listed and more well underway. I finished my second book, but didn’t have time to take pictures, so it won’t be there before tomorrow night. I really hope to have a few more pincushions with matching needlebooks added by the end of the week, as well as three little chicks. Meanwhile, I tidied up a sock monkey I made ages ago and added some finishing touches to her outfit, so she is looking for a good home:

And I really like this cushion cover I made. I’d like to make more of these, with different animals and colors:

The bunny is stenciled and quilted. I love toile, but I think it might not be quite as stylish as it once was, so I think this gives it a nice little modern twist. The gardening scenes in this particular pattern made me think of Peter Rabbit. I hope I didn’t give these two gardeners nightmares by superimposing a giant bunny on them. He’s coming to eat their cabbages!


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The laundry is still not put away. Most is draped all over the couch. One load is still in the dryer.

Martha has a whole bunch of freezer recipes. The spinach pie and Mediterranean tuna casserole are two that I might try, though they all look quite good.

More movies to add to the do not watch while hungry (in case you missed the comments on that post):
Moonstruck (I love that movie!)
Babette’s Feast (How could I forget this one! It’s so lovely)
What’s Cooking (I just added it to my Netflix queue)
Like Water for Chocolate (of course!)
The Wedding Banquet (I don’t remember the food, I’ll have to re-watch that one)

I have knit a few little chicken hats:


Wouldn’t it be fun to get a picture of an actual chicken wearing one? I don’t think they would go for it, though, no matter how many grapes I gave them.

Very little reading has occurred this week. I finished Brideshead Revisited last week. I know it’s a classic, and therefore a Very Important Book, but geez, all the characters were completely unlikeable and selfish. And Evelyn Waugh apparently hates Catholics. Still, I will see any movie starring Emma Thompson. I think I’ve missed it in the theater, so I’ll be renting it.

I haven’t watched Project Runway yet. Am I going to be mad?

And finally, this is pretty darn cool.

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drive by

This just a quick post to tell you to please go here and download a whole lot of very good songs by my brother for FREE! Support a musician! He’s talented and so very hardworking, and I think you will like him. I know I do, and I have very good taste in music.

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of books

Aww, you guys! I can’t believe how fast the chick and pincushions went. There will be more of both just as soon as I can get to them. Too bad I have an actual full time job. It just keeps getting in the way of the fun stuff! My biggest problem during the week is actually being able to take pictures. It’s dark now when I get home, and mornings can get a little hectic. I’d like to make a light box, but I’m really trying to clean my workshop out so I can paint and fix it up all pretty, not bring more stuff in. There must be a space-saving light box contraption out there somewhere, or maybe I just have to invent one myself.

This picture was not taken with the use of a light box, just the pale morning light from my kitchen window, which is quite nice, really. If only it didn’t hang around for such a limited time each day.


Enough about that, I actually wanted to talk about books again! First of all, I finished one of two books I’m working on for the shop, and have listed it. The second one is a little bigger, and nearly done too. I’ll let you read all about it over there, if you are interested in that sort of thing. I think I have enough of this lovely French printmaking paper left for one, or maybe two more books. I should look for a less expensive alternative, but it’s just so nice, and stands up well to ink and watercolors. It’s just right for a commonplace book, or a travel journal.


I’ve also squeezed in a bit of reading, some from the list, and some not. First of all, those of you who recommended The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, what are you trying to do to me?! Heart-wrenching would be the best description I can give you. For those of you interested in WWII/Holocaust books, put this one at the top of your list right now. And even if you’re not interested in that period of history, it still should be high on your list.

I’ve also continued with the Fablehaven books, and I think they are getting better. I finished the second and just started the third. I think kids that are Harry Potter fans and looking for something else to read would really enjoy this series. Fantastical, magical creatures are always fun, and the stories are suspenseful and keep you reading.

The Dew Breaker is also on my list, and I have the CD recording of it from the library, so I can listen while driving to and from work. I have to be in just the right mood to listen to a book, so maybe I’ll get to this one later this week. Looking at my to-do list I don’t see any spare time for reading, so this may be the best way to fit it in.

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