Scoop du Jour

Posted by on June 8, 2005 in other things | 2 comments

I joined up with the Scoop du Jour Knitalong weeks and weeks ago and then proceeded to do nothing. Finally I’ve gotten it together enough to cast on and start knitting the ribbing for the back:


I’m using Cascade 220 Quattro, in a salmon-y color that I love. It’s actually four (hence the name "Quattro", heh) strands, one red, one orange, one bright pink and one a darker pink, all plyed together. I have no idea how to photograph it so you can see it properly, but trust me, it’s juicy and lovely. I seldom feel like knitting in the summer, so I expect progress on this to be slow. Maybe next month I’ll post a picture of the back and it will be 6 inches longer. Don’t hold your breath.

I also was lucky enough to get more cd’s this week:


These are from Luke and Nat. Excellent work! I’ve listened to them just once, and lots of songs just grabbed me right away. I feel like I’m just swimming in new, good music and it’s going to take me a few weeks to absorb it all. Everyone involved in this swap has done such a great job!


  1. ooooh you got some nice looking cd’s!! i helped with the hi santa ones! i just did production work tho. hee hee

  2. Hey, Backtack posted the big reveal–and now I know my groovy fabrics and trim came from you! Thank you! I’m having so much fun with them–so much fun I wish I could keep it for myself, heh heh!

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