
Posted by on July 12, 2007 in stitch | 10 comments

Boy oh boy, it’s been hot! I made myself something nice and cool to wear, so I could put on something besides a t-shirt. I love this fabric, it’s so nice and light and cool. I found it on sale a bit ago at my local Beverly’s. I think I spent about $12 for it. I also decided to try out my bias tape maker, and used that for the hem. The pattern is Simplicity 3887. I think I may make another one or two, if this heat keeps up!

More on bookbinding is still coming soon!



  1. How beautiful! You should sell these in your Etsy shop – I would totally buy one.

  2. I love that smock!! The fabric is so pretty.

  3. I absolutely love that smock, it is so beautiful, love the fabric and the design and above all your blue borders, brings it all together so very well. Beautybeautybeautyful!!!!!!!

  4. Oh fun, fun!! Also love the polka dots wellies detail in the picture.

  5. Love your new top, bet if feels good to wear on a hot day.

  6. OOh that is so cute! Great job! I am going to have to get that pattern.

  7. Sweet fabric, but I think the pattern company “Simplicity” is an oxymoron. I find very little that is simple about them. They are more like Greek to me!!!

  8. We are back from China and now can see you pictures along with the writing. Your smock is beautiful. Keep cool.

  9. I’ve Googled this pattern and your version is my very, very favorite out of all of them!

  10. I like the extra details you added. Nice mix of fabrics and trims!

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