
I had one of those relaxing yet fun and productive but not long enough weekends. First I met a friend for breakfast and we went to a card making party. We were a little early, so we stopped at an estate sale where I scored this for fifty cents:


A real Brownie camera. It needs some cleaning up, and the film and developing will probably be outrageously expensive, but I think I’ll have fun with it.

I also made some more earrings:


I don’t think I’ll be going into the jewelry business soon, my wire-wrapping skills are pretty dismal, but who’s going to notice that when they’re looking at those pretty vintage beads?

And I started on my back-tack project, sort of.


I made a little strawberry pincushion. I think I’ve finally nailed down just what I’m going to make and what I’m going to use. My first back-tack buddy very generously sent 3 different fabrics, but they don’t coordinate with each other, so I’ll be getting creative. I think I’ll be able to use two of the three, one of which is a lovely hand-dyed chartreuse green. I’ll throw in fabrics from my stash and go with a patchwork look. My recipient likes to quilt, so hopefully she’ll appreciate that.

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Don’t be jealous

I received a pretty package this past weekend:


Are you jealous? You should be. I was quick on the draw and scored a pack of Kathleen‘s silkscreened cards. They’re just as lovely in real life as you would imagine. Thanks Kathleen! I love them!

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Still not sewing

Since I can’t sew I got out my bead collection and made a pair of earrings:


They’re vintage glass beads. I always wear the same little silver earrings, so this is a big change. I’m getting all daring and colorful with these. Look out, I might even go crazy and make a necklace next week.

Anyway, I get to go pick up my sewing machine today, so maybe I’ll finish that apron and get started on my backtack project. Not that there is any pressure to make something fabulous. What a bunch of overachievers. Seriously though, how cool would it be to receive any of those great projects?

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