unfinished business

Posted by on January 28, 2008 in craft, stitch | 6 comments

So many unfinished projects and so little inspiration. That’s how it is around here right now. Above is an apron I started in December. All I have to do is add a pocket, but I just can’t seem to get to it. Here’s the pile on of unfinished projects on the sewing machine:
And speaking of unfinished, I still haven’t painted this room, although the great de-cluttering project of 2006 and 2007 continues into 2008, and I did get a little more cleaned out of there last weekend.

What do you do when you get like this? I have so very little inspiration, and zero motivation. I feel like I’ve been coming home from work and staring stupidly at the TV, and there isn’t even anything good on. I hope this rut doesn’t last much longer.

I have continued taking pictures, however, and since January is yearly bonus time at my place of employment, I treated myself to a Photoshop upgrade (from v6-super old skool-to CS2)! And I have been playing around with it a bit, because I can do that while stupidly watching stupid shows on TV, so I guess that’s something. I picked up The Photoshop CS2 Book, which I highly recommend. So far I have learned how to apply a vignette, and to lighten too-dark photos using Curves, and create a dreamy glow-y effect. And some color adjusting stuff.  Reading Pioneer Woman has introduced me to the world of Photoshop actions, which are just brilliant, and now I want some. Better yet, I want to make some. I better go learn how to do that now.

My pins and needles are ready and waiting for me to get my mojo back. Even the addition of a squirrel lamp isn’t enough to get me going.


  1. I love that lamp!
    Now the apron.. It’s just a pocket! I think the best way to get motivated is to make yourself jump in. Sit down and do that pocket! You know you wanna. 🙂
    Best of luck.

  2. I suffer from I.P.D (Incompleted Project Disorder) I dabble in every project and hobby imaginable and never finish anything or fine tune any skill. I guess you could say that I am an expert unfinisher. By the way, I am in need of some stupid tv shows. Any suggestions?

  3. Be careful–Photoshop can take over your life! (But your photos are really great, so keep it up!)

  4. cute apron! wouldn’t mind having one like that.

  5. I like the apron, even without a pocket. But then again you may need a pocket for a tissue to dab those tears when watching those dreadful shows on TV. (We have to watch the new season of American Idol and it is not my daughter who is the fan, but my 55 year old husband…).
    I know how it feels to have no mojo. I am there. I have so many ideas for projects in my head, especially during the daytime at work, but the energy seems to drain away the moment I get home and it is zombie land. I blame it on January. In two days we will be ok.

  6. that lamp is fantastic!

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