what I needed

Posted by on March 19, 2011 in other things | 2 comments

I got terribly, annoyingly sick on Wednesday. Luckily, I am still in Spokane, and just happen to be staying with a doctor. A little antibiotic prescription was called in, and I will soon be better.

Yesterday, for therapy, my sister-in-law and I went to some antique malls, where I found this little elephant that needed to come home with me. We also had pho, which is excellent medicine for any sort of snot infestation you might have.

what I needed


  1. Nice elephant! Nice description of mucous in your nose! Colds on vacation are the pits, lucky you to have a Dr in the house…hope you feel better soon!

  2. Thanks! It's been just like one of those commercials, where those little snot monsters move in and don't want to move out, so definitely an infestation :o) 

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