work in progress

Posted by on July 17, 2006 in other things | 2 comments

After my little freak-out on Friday (a little aside: my first thought, after hearing about the billowing clouds of smoke enveloping our property was, "But they’re delivering the new washing machine on Thursday, where will we keep it if the house burns down?" I have my priorities, don’t I?), I spent the weekend, quite literally, chilling out. The air conditioner was blasting all day and even into the night both days, and I didn’t do much of anything. Once I knew we were probably safe and I would be able to drive home from work without worrying that I was going to encounter an inferno on the freeway, I decided a little relaxation was in order. So I stopped at the bookstore, where I browsed through cookbooks and magazines, eventually purchasing Julie & Julia. Then I stopped at a taco shop for Super Nachos, which have everything on them-beans, salsa, guacamole, sour cream, carne asada, and probably 3 other things I can’t remember now. I virtuously told them to hold the nacho cheese, but go ahead and keep the regular cheese on there. My willpower is impressive, no?

Since I was lazy, I have no finished projects to share, so I took a picture of one of my current works-in-progress:


Mr. Lucy found this at the side of the road with a ‘FREE’ sign on it, and thoughtfully brought it home for me. I’ve cleaned off as much of the flaking white, er, grey paint and cobwebs as I can and I’ve begun painting it a pale, pale blue. I’ve made a cushion but still need to cover it. I think that with the addition of lots of pretty, squishy pillows it will be a nice place to sit on our porch. Currently I would call it shabby-shabby, but I’m hoping to change the balance to more of a shabby-chic. It might just work, don’t you think?


  1. I’m glad you’re able to relax! And the pretty chair will help you too.

  2. I think that seat is going to be adorable when you are finished with it! Very nice of Mr. Lucy to pick it up!

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