a tiny start

Posted by on November 29, 2007 in other things | 6 comments

I’m starting to decorate for Christmas. Just a little felt tree, with some of my vintage pearl buttons to get things kicked off on this cloudy morning. I haven’t done a lot of decorating the last couple years, which just makes me sad. It seems that there is never enough time, but if I do a little here, and a little there, we should have a festive little house in a couple weeks.

I think I’ll hang up the wreath on the front of the house tonight…


  1. I feel the same way. There is never enough time and then the holiday is over and the house never even got decorated. There should be an extra 10 hours in each day from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Love the little tree, how did you make the base?

  2. I love the tree! You are so clever. I can’t wait to see the finished product! Did you find a tree?

  3. By finished product I meant your Christmas Decor, not the tree… Just to clarify…:)

  4. Love the little tree, don’t worry about the decorating just enjoy those bubble baths you deserve them!

  5. Fortunately for me, I have a lot of free time, in spite of the fact that we now have custody of our 7 yo grandson, so I have had a heyday decorating. But…sometimes I yearn for a simpler, quieter holiday. Maybe when the kida re all grown and out of the house?
    I love the little felt tree!

  6. What a cute little tree 🙂

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