and now for something completely different

Posted by on September 21, 2006 in other things, Uncategorized | 3 comments

I was just surfing around the internet and found some inspiration:


Miniature cupcakes with flavored sugars sprinkled on top from Matthew Mead. So then I had to find out how to make flavored sugar. And I found this page. Maybe that will be a fun treat to make this weekend. Here is a question for people who live at higher altitudes: what can you do when baking to make sure things will rise like normal? I usually add a couple extra tablespoons of flour, but still my cakes and scones and things are not as high as I’d like. Speaking of treats, I’m going fishing tomorrow, so I think I’ll make some of these to take along for everyone. What are some of your favorite treats?


  1. Hey there!! Just wanted to tell you how fun your blog is!! Luv it!! I went all through your archives as soon as I found you…I’m actually super excited to see this year’s holiday gift wrap!~! pressure!! I look forward to visiting daily!!
    Happy Blogging!! xoxo Jenny

  2. …check out Cheryl has incredible cupcake recipes and photos. Enjoy!

  3. My favorite treat is pumpkin pie and carmel apples

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