extreme cuteness

I know there was a post full of cuteness a little while ago, but I’m about to up the ante. Don’t worry though, I’ll ease you into it. Remember my size 11 shoe dilemma? I’m happy to report that the cute shoe dry spell seems to be ending. I found some awfully cute shoes at Macy’s on the clearance rack the other day. Macy’s never has size 11 shoes. They do have a bit of a heel, but I don’t care.

I don’t exactly know what I’m going to wear them with. I could use some fashion advice. They look cute with jeans, but I don’t have many opportunities to wear heels and jeans. I know that miss-matched colors are very stylish right now, I’m just not sure what colors to wear these with.

And now for the super cuteness. Are you ready? A few of the Buff Orpington hens went broody recently, and I thought I’d just let them set on some eggs and see what would happen. I got home Friday afternoon to a very worried looking Golden Retriever (he’s the Mama Bear around here). Bear kept running over to the chicken coop, so I went to see if everything was okay, and as I got closer I heard the unmistakable cheeping of a baby chick. There were a couple already hatched and running around, and another one on it’s way out of it’s shell. Two more hatched this morning. I kept them with their mama for a little while:

But I’ve since moved them to their own box, with their own food and water. There are still a bunch of eggs left, and two hens sitting vigilantly, so I’ll give them a few more days before I start shooing them out. The three older chicks are eating and drinking like crazy. The two new ones are still a bit wobbly, but they’re pecking about, and growing stronger by the hour.

I’ll set up the chick photography studio again this week, and get more pictures. It’s so fun having a few babies again!

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climbing out of the rut

I think I’ve figured out part of my lack of creativity problem. It’s all this healthy eating. It takes a lot of time and imagination. I’m not sure how to photograph healthy food so that it looks good, but these two meals really were delicious:
Healthylunch  Healthydinner

I made some vegetable sushi for lunch one day, and then the other night, for dinner I had some mashed yams, sauteed bok choi and spinach, and stir-fried chicken and mushrooms with a little ponzu sauce. I totally made the recipe up based on the contents of the refrigerator, but it was a pretty good combination. I will say, however, that it is not possible to eat mashed yams with chopsticks. I know your day will be much better now that you know what I’m eating. Actually, I have two sources of healthy eating inspiration to share. First, is this book. I just got it, and haven’t made anything yet, but every recipe in there looks really delicious. Second, is this show. I admit, I try to avoid train-wreck realty TV, but an episode of this keeps me from wanting to eat french fries ever again. Caution: there is a lot of talk about poo in every single episode. You have been warned.

I found a knitting project I know I will actually finish in a reasonable amount of time:


I know this, because I made one before. I loved knitting it and I loved the finished product. My mom loved it too, so I gave it to her. Now I want one for myself. The first one was knit in Noro Silk Garden color 87, and this one is color 233. I’m not sure if I’m liking this colorway, but I remember thinking the same thing last time, but by the time it was done I loved the colors, so I’m hopeful. So now I am keeping busy while watching stupid TV. The apron still has no pocket, however.

I should have taken pictures of my molting chickens, but I guess it’s better that I didn’t embarrass them. A few of them looked quite pitiful for awhile there, but I’m happy to report that they have all seemed to grow in healthy new feathers, and look quite plump and healthy again.

The General was looking particularly dapper this morning:


I gave him a glamourous 1940’s screen star glow.   

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Happy New Year! I know, we’re already a week and a half in. I was lucky enough to ring in the new year with my sister and Mr. P, who we’re in town last week. It’s always fun to be a tourist in your home town once in a while. I’ll have a seperate post with all the touristy things we did. There are lots of pictures of pandas and fish, since we went to the zoo and Sea World.

Now that I’m recovered from that little adventure, I’ve been busy, busy, busy. So, it’s time for a little catch up I think. I have a few projects in the works, and lots has been happening. First of all, there was the Third Annual Christmas Swap with Yvonne, who made me the cutest apron. It was just meant for hook number two. I wore it the day we cooked a turkey while my sister was here. It’s so very perfect, I love the little pleats on the bottom, and it’s super long, it went below my knees, which is quite a feat for my 6 foot tall self.
One day I will take a picture of myself while wearing it. Which brings me to the New Year’s Resolutions section of this post. Historically, I’m not a huge fan of making resolutions. I did, however, make some progress last year on my plan to take better care of myself. I made a few changes to my diet, and without realizing it, lost a few pounds. So now I’m more motivated than ever to make even more healthy changes. I checked this book out of the library, and am finding it very helpful. It’s not a ‘diet’ book, exactly, and there are no eating plans or suggested foods, it’s more about changing the way you think about food and eating. So far it’s helped me stay very motivated, and I’ve already lost nearly 4 pounds this week. There are several exercises you do, so of course I needed a special book for writing down and completing those exercises, so I made myself a couple pamphlets along with a special paper folder to protect them. I used more of that lovely Amy Butler paper. I love how they are all double sided and coordinate so nicely.

I also recently added to my bento box collection, and I’ve been filling this little box with vegetables to dip in hummus for an afternoon snack.
I love the quirky translations.

And the biggest news of all:
Sally laid her first egg yesterday. I’m not sure if we’ll be brave enough to eat it.

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We’re still a couple weeks away from a completed bathroom, but the most important things are finally done!
The cats have been supervising the progress quite closely. Lucy says, "The toilet is solidly in place. I approve." We’ve taken a few baths now (ahh! to be able to get clean in my own home, rather than using the showers at work), but I think I’m going to have to put a door on there for the shower. My big showerhead sprays kind of wide, and I don’t think a curtain will work.

I haven’t taken pictures of the chickens for awhile, and I know you are all missing them, so here are a couple from this morning:

Unlike Edwin, who has become increasingly cranky with the wind, the chickens are just as sweet-natured as ever. They’ve been hunkered down under the porch and in the coop, but come running every time I come outside, hoping for something good to eat. I’ve made sure they had some good treats this week, lots of apples and a bit of brown rice, which are some of their favorites. The General is looking particularly regal these days, don’t you think? He struts around like the supreme leader, but he’s really such a sweetheart. When he is the first one there when I come out with a treat, he makes a particular clucking sound, as if to say, "Ladies, there is something fine for you to feast on, come at once!" And he waits until the majority of the hens are there before he takes any for himself. What a smart man!

And because stress levels are still quite high around here, I started another mini quilt:
I’m almost done quilting. I love making these little guys. They’re just as satisfying as completing a big quilt, but so much quicker.

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things I like about Summer


Some of the best things about summer: lavender, roses and sunflowers. There’s not much else, except weeds in our yard at the moment, but I am focusing on the positive :o)

I thought this was a really sweet entry on my dad’s blog. It made me tear up a little.

I’m still working on the bookbinding post(s). I think part one may be up this evening. Unless I decide to re-do the entire thing.

Edwin says Hello blog readers! What do you have for me to eat? I want to nibble on your toes.

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Rest in Peace, Little Honker

We lost one of our geese sometime last night. When I went out this morning to feed them, only two came running up the driveway to meet me. They are always all together, so I knew something had to be wrong. I got the husband up and we looked all over, but couldn’t find the missing one, or any sign of a struggle. After a half hour or so, I looked by the fallen branch and saw its pretty little body cornered underneath. We still don’t know what happened, there were no marks on its body, no broken bones that we could see. I wonder if it was chased by something that literally scared it to death. Bear usually keeps watch over the yard, but we didn’t hear anything unusual last night. I feel so bad for the poor little thing, it must have been so frightened. Babyquilt The remaining two seem fine, although they were sticking pretty close to me while I was outside this morning. I think we’re going to have to find a way to lock them up at night. They like to float in their pool at night, but we may just have to put them in a pen instead. Silly birds, they’re so cute, but still so young and not too bright. When I go outside, if I sit quietly, they lay down at my feet and go to sleep. I have to take a picture, it’s just the sweetest thing.

I finished up the quilt top and bottom this weekend, ta-da! I can’t wait to get started on the quilting. I’ve got some wool batting, so I think it’s going to be nice and fluffy. I’ve never quilted with wool before. I think I’ll try to get it basted together tonight so I can start stitching away. Click on the picture to see it full-sized!

The pamphlet bookbinding tutorial is on it’s way, hopefully tomorrow. I had planned to take some pictures this morning, but didn’t have time after the goose quest. I made a few little pamphlet style books yesterday, they’re really cute and so easy to do! 

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