Don’t be jealous, but this is what I got from my back-tack buddy:

Serena did such a beautiful job! I really really like everything, and it’s all so useful. She made a little tote, so I can easily carry my projects back and forth from my craft/guest house to the main house, and zipper pouch and a roll-up notions holder, which she filled with all sorts of little notions (you can see the needle grabbers and flower head pins in the picture). Plus a bundle of fat quarters, mad libs and giant sweet tarts-they didn’t make the picture, though. She also thoughtfully included my favorite knitter’s hand cream, and the white flannel bundle you see on the right has thumb tacks rolled up inside so I can tack it to the wall and have a mini-quilt design board! And best of all, a little cake pincushion, complete with detachable strawberry, how adorable is that? I can’t believe how thoughtful and well made everything is, it is really far beyond what I expected! Thank you so much Serena! By the way, the blonde plume in the upper middle of the photo is Bear’s tail. He was lizard hunting again this morning.
We have a few things blooming in the garden, despite the heat the last week or two-101 degrees this past weekend, which is really just hotter than it needs to be, I think. Anyway, hollyhocks that I planted from seed late last summer are finally blooming, and the lavender is positively buzzing with bees. I wish we kept bees so we could enjoy some lavender honey.
I have another family member to link to! I set up a blog for my fabulous sister-in-law. I have a feeling you’ll get to see a lot of my beautiful niece, and beautiful Moose, Wyoming, so go visit and say hi once she gets a post up there!
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