Happy Anniversary : ) I was wondering what the 10th was this morning as it is looming but if an iphone is the 11th then obviously the 10th is the 24inch desktop.Yay!!! I am so happy.Better let him know……..x
I actually did find a quilt app that will calculate the yardage you need for backing and binding, which is great. Usually when I’m in a quilt shop I’m so ovrwhelmed by that new fabric smell, so I can’t think staight enough to to complicated math
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Awesome gift!! I just got my son’s old one to use and I love it already. It has a few cracks in the glass front and a few little dents, but it works and I even had him “jailbreak” it so I am with T mobile still. It’s incredible all the apps they have for it- a little overwhelming…. Happy Anniversary- ours is the end of September (our 17th!!)- I think it’s the anniversary of moving back to Cali!! We stayed in LA for our visit and had the best time. We drove down to San Clemente to visit a few friends and the time just flew by way too quickly for me. The beach was awesome- Zuma and T Street!!!
Nice pic! Congrats on the iPhone, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.
Oh man, I have to wait three more years for mine! Congrats on eleven, now that’s somethin.
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How cool ! Tell us your favorite apps when you get really rolling. Quilts? Do they have an app for that? *grin*
Happy 11 th too!!!!
Happy Anniversary : ) I was wondering what the 10th was this morning as it is looming but if an iphone is the 11th then obviously the 10th is the 24inch desktop.Yay!!! I am so happy.Better let him know……..x
Oh man, that means I shoulda got mine a LOOOONNNGGG time ago!

Great gift!! Blogging at the beach? Be still my heart.
Happy Anniversary!
Oooh I got one the other day too! They are amazing aren’t they
Ps. Happy Anniversary too, I got so over excited about the iPhone that I forgot to say that ;D
Happy Anniversary!! What a fantastic gift!
I actually did find a quilt app that will calculate the yardage you need for backing and binding, which is great. Usually when I’m in a quilt shop I’m so ovrwhelmed by that new fabric smell, so I can’t think staight enough to to complicated math
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I think you’re right, I’m sorry I wasn’t paying better attention last year, so I missed out on that.
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I think it’s retroactive, so go ahead and get one on you next anniversary
Sent from my iPhone
Awesome gift!! I just got my son’s old one to use and I love it already. It has a few cracks in the glass front and a few little dents, but it works and I even had him “jailbreak” it so I am with T mobile still. It’s incredible all the apps they have for it- a little overwhelming…. Happy Anniversary- ours is the end of September (our 17th!!)- I think it’s the anniversary of moving back to Cali!!
We stayed in LA for our visit and had the best time. We drove down to San Clemente to visit a few friends and the time just flew by way too quickly for me. The beach was awesome- Zuma and T Street!!!