farmer lucy

Posted by on September 9, 2006 in farm | 5 comments


I know, I know, enough about the chickens already, but I’m really looking forward to getting my little babies. So I thought I’d share a little about the ones I ordered.

They’re all supposed to be good laying chickens. I thought it would be good to try a variety and see which will do well for us. I’ll be getting some Buff Orpingtons (top picture, above), which are quite large and supposedly have a very nice temperament. I think one of our neighbors down the street has a couple of these, and they are so cute. I loved the black and white feathers of the Barred Rocks (middle picture) and Silver-Laced Wyandottes (bottom picture), so I got a few of each of those.  I ordered some Araucanas, just for their pretty blue and green eggs, and the "old guy at the grocery store", as per Mr. Lucy, highly recommended Rhode Island Reds as the best layers out there, so I added a few of those to the order.  I’d better get to painting that chicken coop!


  1. Can’t wait to see pictures of the chickies once you get them! Our neighbors behind us have chickens and they’re so pretty – they have some pretty fancy ones!

  2. Lucy,
    I got my 10 girls in August…3 Aracaunas and 7 Isa Browns. I can tell you that the Isa Browns are very friendly (they are a cross between a Rhode Island Red and something else) and the Aracaunas are NOT! They are very skittish. My 14 year old daughter can manage to catch one on occasion, but I never have. The Isa’s on the other hand, are pretty outgoing. We live in the Midwest, so one of my concerns is our bitter cold winter.
    It will be interesting to see how your experience goes.
    If you check the archives of my blog, you will see lots of henhouse photos, along with my girls!

  3. I love chickens and am jealous of anyone who can have them. Our new city doesn’t allow them unless you have like a 1 acre lot and there aren’t any of those in town. I can wait to see your before and after coop pictures.

  4. You’ll love the chickens – I have been raising them since the late 80’s and I still look forward to the day the P.O. calls me to come and pick them up. You’re in for endless entertainment. But try not to get too attached.

  5. Our Buff Orptingtongs just started to lay. They are 4 months old and the eggs are huge and they are still just teenagers. I love the color of their feathers. I have a few photos of them on my blog.

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