For Yvonne

Posted by on October 19, 2005 in other things, Uncategorized | 1 comment

This is for you Yvonne! I hope it works. Yvonne sent me an e-mail asking for help with the kwtog stitch in the ruffles scarf. Essentially, that scarf is just a bunch of short-rows, so if you find yourself making something with short rows, here’s what you do.

Download knitting.MOV

I took some pictures, and I hope you can see what you need to pick up:

Knit1 Knit2 Knit3 Knit4

Picture #1: This is the stitch that you are going to kwtog (Knit wrap and wrapped stitch together)
Picture #2: Pick up the yarn wrapped around the the base of the stitch onto your right needle
Picture #3: Pick up the stitch itself, just as you normally would to knit, and wrap your yarn around your right needle, pulling it through the stitch and the loop (I usually have to use my thumb to help the wrap stitch up a bit)
Picture #4: The finished stitch, which looks like a K2tog.

1 Comment

  1. You crack me up – “KWTOG THE MOVIE” – LOL! It so helped, I’m knitting like crazy now. It’s actually so easy if just someone shows it to you!! Thanks so much, you’ve been a great help. I’m going to send you some extra lovely thank you goods with our next swap :o) Oh and I’ll post the results in my journal soon.

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