happy knitting in the new year

Posted by on January 2, 2011 in knit | 12 comments

I'm just going to ignore holidays past and look forward to this new year, and the potential it holds. So, let's talk some more about knitting, shall we? I've been doing some.

I'm really getting into this whole lace thing. It's so very fun. I made this version of Abrazo out of some Malabrigo sock:

image from www.flickr.com

There are some mistakes, but fewer than I made in my Ishbel shawl, so that's progress, right? It also has beads. I'm not a super sparkle-y kind of girl, but I really like these. They give it a nice weight:

image from www.flickr.com

 The pattern calls for laceweight yarn, but I wanted a slightly more substantial shawl, so I used a heavier yarn. I also added more short rows so it's a bit deeper in width. I'm trying to keep thorough notes on my projects now, so if you want more details, they're on my ravelry page (linked above).

I took a short break from lace to knit some cables. This is the second Habitat I've made, it's such a great pattern, which is probably why 1400 other people have made it too.

image from www.flickr.com

I recommend tweed for cables. Tweed + Cables is like Peanut Butter + Jelly.

It's not all about the new projects, though. I finished the chevron scarf I was working on. My plan was to use every bit of the two skeins of yarn, but I was just plain tired of knitting this when it was seven feet long, so I quit with probably half a ball left and called it done. 

image from www.flickr.com

I've also made lots of progress on the Seraphim shawl, It's working up just beautifully:

image from www.flickr.com

This is the first time I've used a lifeline, and it's given me perhaps too much confidence. Can you see my mistake? Here it is:

image from www.flickr.com

I missed a yarn over, but I think I'm going to have to learn to live with it. I just can't bring myself to rip back that far. Any ideas for fixing it that don't involve re-doing all that work? 

And one last little project, just because it's cold out there, and no one wants cold eggs, I made some tiny pink stocking caps.

image from www.flickr.com

They were an easy little knit, but I was thinking of writing up the pattern if anyone is interested. They're great for using up those leftover bits of sock yarn.  


  1. I can’t thank you enough for your help the other night! I’m just about done with the mittens. I was fine once I figured out the very first part. I LOVE that hat. That’s next on the list! I’ve never done a cable stitch – sure would be handy if you were my neighbor. I can’t get over how much you knit! Beautiful.

  2. Love love love the Abrazo shawl. And the tweedy cable hat is so pretty. I really like the color you’re using for Seraphim. The little egg hats are so fun!!!

  3. AIIIIIII! I love the egg caps! Also, you are making me feel like I need some Malabrigo Lace. I’ve had my eye on several colors and it looks so soft and snuggly in your photographs.

  4. What lovely projects! I’m so excited to actually have the time to knit a little this week. I’m not quite sure which project to finish first. I’m happy to see I’m not the only one with 5 or 6 projects going at a time while fighting the urge to cast on just one more.

  5. I'm so excited about your mittens! You will definitely have to start knitting socks. In your cold house, nothing will keep your feet warm like hand knit wool socks! Cables are fun, and they really are super easy. They can be a little fiddly and slow you down a little bit, but only on the rows where you have to actually make the cable twist, otherwise it's just knitting and purling :o) 

  6. Thank you! I am loving all the mittens you've been making lately. I'm thinking I might need to do a pair this winter too :o) 

  7. You absolutely should get some Malabrigo Lace, it's not expensive-I think around $9 a skein and I just need two for this shawl. It really is as soft as it looks, I can't stop petting it. Plus, the colors are so pretty, they have so much depth. Get some! 

  8. Well, it's really quite logical! It's important to have a small project you can take along, a nice big project you can enjoy cuddling up with and working on, something interesting and a little challenging, and something mindless for social knitting. Hmmm, I don't have anything mindless going at the moment. I think I might need to cast on something new :o) 

  9. Love the caps for eggs…what an awesome idea!

  10. i once many years ago knitted a baby blanket that was very simple and it took me FOREVER to actually finish it, but i did. and then i came across your lovely blog. since then, i have joined ravelry and am now trying to teach myself to do different things…and even as a VERY beginner i am having a hard time only doing one project at a time. Thank you for inspiring me to try something new. It was a toss up of your green and yellow socks or the last bright colored scarf that did it. i fell in love. i will someday will make some of my own. LOVE your blog and you. 🙂 Sorry this turned out so long. <3

  11. OH and i forgot to mention that your pup makes me smile EVERY single time. thanks for sharing that adorable fuzzy face too 🙂

  12. Aww, thanks! That's the nicest comment ever! Friend me on Ravelry (heylucy), I love seeing what others are making and favoriting :o) 
    I don't think I'll ever be a one-project person, there's too much fun stuff to knit! Stick with it, and you'll be amazed at what you can do, I know I still have so much stuff that I want to learn. 

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