harry potter day

Posted by on July 20, 2007 in other things | 5 comments

Tomorrow is the big day. I don’t know about you, but I’ve got it all planned out. I’ll be getting up early to take the husband’s car for an oil change and hope to be at the bookstore at 9:00 to pick up my book. This was an important strategy, as I can then demand that I not be bothered for the rest of the day until I have finished the book. I will then be heading to Starbucks or some other coffee shop with comfortable seating and something tasty to drink, and start reading. When I need a brief break, I’ll head to the beach or the park for more relaxing and reading, and when I’m hungry enough, it’s on to my favorite Thai restaurant for a bowl of the best Tom Yum soup and, of course, more reading. It’s a quiet, cozy place, so I should have no problem concentrating. The anticipation is just about killing me.

What will you be doing? 


  1. It’s 11:37pm and I am on my way out the door to go get the book RIGHT NOW!!! Seeing as I have a 3 year old, I won’t be able to read ALL day tomorrow, but I will get a few good hours in!

  2. Wow you really have got it all planned. I just came home with the book – none of the kids wanted to do the midnight thing. I read the ending in the car park – just had to know.

  3. You have quite the plan there! Did all go accordingly? I’m on Chapter 9. I have some custom orders to fill and my mother’s birthday party later today so I don’t know how much reading I’ll be getting in today. Gotta get through it before someone shares the ending! I will be so bummed if that happens!
    Yes – I did put a live plant in my birdcage. If your room is dark – try a shade loving plant. I’m not much of an expert but I know there are a few different ones that do well in shade and with little water. If you aren’t sure – try your local garden center or hardware store.
    Home Goods is fabulous! Definitely check it out if you have a chance.

  4. I finished the book last night! SOO GOOOOOOD!

    ooooooh that sounds good. What I did. Picked it up late Saturday, read some of it, read more on Sunday and finished it on Monday and I wept so hard (can I already say this?) when Dobby died and when Harry calls his youngest Albus Severs Potter – eeeee!! Loved the book!!

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