home on the range

Posted by on June 19, 2005 in stitch | 7 comments

My sewing machine is home all safe and sound, so I finished my apron:

Apron3 Apron2

It’s fairly simple, which is what I like about it. That and the chickens, of course. And it’s reversible, so if one side gets dirty, I can just turn it around. I got the fabric in Frankfurt years and years ago, and it was just waiting for the perfect project. I think I may be making aprons for gifts this year, this was a quick and satisfying project. Don’t forget to check out Tie One On for more fabulous aprons!


  1. That is exquisite. I love the fabric and you did an amazing job!!!

  2. Very pretty! I love your scalloped edge.

  3. The design looks like one of my favorite anthropologie skirts, it’s wonderful.
    p.s. your paper is ready and is on it’s way! 🙂

  4. Your apron is just beautiful!! I adore that fabric.

  5. Wow! It’s beautiful. I agree–it DOES have a very Anthropologie look.

  6. so beautiful, feminine and lovely.

  7. i LOVE your apron. did you design the pattern yourself?

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