
Posted by on September 28, 2006 in farm | 4 comments

I was getting ready for work this morning, and suddenly the phone rang. It was the post office! So the chickens have arrived, and I’ve spent the day getting them settled in. I wasn’t expecting them until tomorrow at the earliest, so I wasn’t quite as prepared as I had planned, so it was a mad rush setting up the heat lights and getting a newspaper and lining the washtub with paper and shavings. They are all really lively and they’ve been eating and drinking and pooping like nobody’s business. I can’t seem to upload pictures to typepad right now, so go to flickr to see my new babies.


  1. you’re kind of a dork, but I must admit I can’t wait to see them in person and chase them around your yard, it’ll be like old times in Idaho, can’t wait.

  2. They are sooooo cute! Lucky you.

  3. Oh!! I can’t believe they send chicken by mail. My ears are flapping, I’m thinking about animal rights. How does that work, they must be all shaken up. Oh I can’t stop thinking of it now, I’ve never heard anything like this. They are awfully cute tough and so fluffy!! Please tell me they are all alright.

  4. First time visitor, and delighted to see your chicks, thanks for sharing! We tried breeding our own last year, but our cockerel got eaten, so next year we’re going for mail-order chicks too. Will keep an eye on your progress. (I have to ask, are you keeping htme for eggs or for the table?)

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