I think I should get a tattoo…

Posted by on March 2, 2008 in other things | 20 comments

across my forehead that says, "Sucker". This little guy was in a pen outside Petco this weekend when I dropped by to pick up some cat food. I called Mr. Heylucy and asked him to tell me no, I cannot bring home a dog. Unfortunately, he didn’t. Then I called my sister-in-law. She told me to get the dog. I went all the way home, and Mr. Heylucy said we should go back, if I really thought he was a nice dog, and bring him home.

He’s three years old, and a sheepdog or bearded collie, or some combination, and seems to be settling in just fine. He doesn’t have a name, so suggestions are welcome.


  1. he looks like a Henry or a Walter to me!

  2. Awwww, so sweet!
    I’ll bet he’s happy to have a home.

  3. BLESS YOU for taking him in. (Some people!) Be sure the vet runs both heartworm and Lyme tests on him if you live where there are ticks.
    I think “Lucky” fits him. šŸ˜‰ Or Winston.
    What a sweet boy!

  4. He is THE BEST looking dog in the whole world. I applaud you for giving him a happy home. I feel as if I may cry a little bit!!!!!
    Cherry xoxoxo

  5. All of the suggestions given so far are great. Maybe Fred could also be added to the list of names to consider. He looks like a really mellow nice dog.:-)

  6. Awwwwww…….he’s so cute! I’d have wanted to bring him home too. I agree with Shelley’s “Henry” suggestion.

  7. Are you kidding? No one in their right mind would be able to resist that face!

  8. What sweetness!! I like the name Little Guy. šŸ™‚

  9. Hooray! You did it, I love him already! I must say he does look like a Winston, or a Freddy. I can’t wait to meet him! šŸ™‚

  10. Awwwwww he’s soooo cute!! I think he looks like a Rufus.

  11. So Cute!
    Maybe Buddy or Charlie

  12. How attached are you to the “Lucy” theme? I’d go with Charlie Brown. šŸ˜‰ Or Linus.

  13. Isn’t he the most adorable dog, very relaxed too. Charllie Brown is good or maybe a more country name like Ned.

  14. Awww…my heart just melted. I love dogs! And I don’t think I would have been able to resist his face either! He reminds me a bit of my childhood dog named Slugger. But, I think I would call him Mr. Bojangles. Congraulations!

  15. How could you possibly have left him there? Such a sweet face!

  16. I won’t ofer up a name – my 2 cats are NooNoo and BooBoo, so I’m probably not the one to turn to in a naming crisis. He’s a handsome boy though, lucky you for having a Mr that lets you take in random dogs that tug on your heart strings!

  17. Bubby!
    As in “Com’ on Bub! Let ‘s go fer a walk!” Or, “Bubby, Bubby, Bubs! Do you want a biscuit?”
    Good Boy!!!

  18. I saw him, thought ‘Fred’ – then came here and found that had already been suggested…
    I hope you’ll be very happy together.

  19. I have 3 Bearded Collie Rescues, I lost another a year ago, he was also a rescue. Thank you for giving him a forever home. The dog I lost was named Chance. He was on his last day at the shelter and we gave him a chance! He is so missed and will be forever in my heart. Name your little guy, who looks almost identical to mine, Chance.

  20. Sucka! (Your new nickname, not for the charming new addition to your family)

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