I declare birthday month officially begun

Posted by on March 9, 2007 in other things | 2 comments

I have a very very big birthday this month, and the only way not to be completely depressed about the whole thing is to start celebrating right now.

I actually don’t really need anything, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things I want. If you are related to me and were thinking about getting me something (even though I forgot to call you on your birthday last week, because I am sometimes a terrible sister), here are some fantastic ideas. Or maybe I’ll just keep this list and get things when I have a little moolah in my PayPal account.

I could really use this t-shirt (see this picture).

This is a huge splurge, but I think she would like to live in my guesthouse.

Pretty much any jewelry from this etsy artist, except for these earrings, which I already have and love.

This print is so cute. Man, I have really become a crazy chicken lady.

Can you ever have too much Decole?  I love, love, love the tea for one set. Even though I have 2 tea for one sets already. But they aren’t Decole, so I should still get that one, right?

And I want to try using my Print Gocco on fabric, so some inks and screens for cloth would be useful.

Speaking of fabric, I need to replenish my linen supply, which has become dangerously low. Some handkerchief linen would be good, as well as some mid-weight linen.

That’s enough of my greediness for now, I’m sure I’ll be able to add to my wishlist throughout the month. I have until the 31st, after all. Oooh, did I just answer a quiz question?


  1. Oooh, you need the decole for one set!! I got the “boulangerie” set from Velda a few months ago and it’s the cutest thing in the world.
    We have chickens too but they are huddled in the barn waiting for spring. We always say you don’t need a tv if you’ve got chickens to watch!

  2. I hope you got everything on your list!

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