itchy fingers

Posted by on April 20, 2004 in other things, Uncategorized | 4 comments

Even though I have plenty of projects, I like to plan ahead. I’ve wanted to make this:
since I first saw it the current issue of Interweave Knits.

But what color?
It is a wool yarn, so it would be a fall/winter sweater.

I’m currently working on a cardigan in this color:
which is Cascade 220 Quattro. And my last sweater was blue and green. I don’t want to do boring charcoal or indigo, and I think a darker color wouldn’t show the pretty cable rib pattern. Opinions please! (not that I need to decide right away, I still have to finish the nephew sweater, but once I do, I’m ordering this yarn!)


  1. I think that sweater would be really pretty in Air Blue, Phlox, or Hyacinth.

  2. I like all those colors too, and if I did do it in one of those I could wear it in the Spring too. Thanks for the opinion Clara!

  3. YAY! I love salt and peanuts too! Great minds think alike 🙂

  4. You have the best taste Carrie :o)
    You know that belt you made with Manos? I made a scarf last Fall with the exact same colorway! Maybe we are long lost relatives?
    I have to take a picture of my Farmer’s Market bag too, I’m up to the handles now, but it’s a bit confusing because now I’m working the pattern back and forth instead of in the round.

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