jaywalking and backtacking

Posted by on May 2, 2006 in knit, other things, stitch | 6 comments

Finally, the second sock is finished:
I tried to hide my first attempt at kitchener stitch on the toes, because it’s just not so pretty, but that’s okay, these socks are for me, and will probably just be worn around the house, because, really, I don’t have a yellow, turquoise and green outfit to go with them. I really didn’t think that second sock was ever going to end, but then, suddenly, it did! I like the fun factor of this yarn. The stripes were nicely formed as I knit around the legs, but then I got the feet and they’re all weird and wide. At least they match, more or less. I do like the way the stripes narrowed at the toes.

This past weekend I gathered together my Backtack supplies:
I got some Sis Boom fabric, and lots of sparkly buttons, so I’m thinking about a very glamorous pointy kitty, a la Paris circa 1950. I’m making a softie for the one and only Super Eggplant. I can’t wait to get started. I did some other sewing this weekend, I’ll have to share that tomorrow.

The lilacs are blooming:
I’m trying to learn to use the macro on my camera. There’s a really great show in DIY Network, called The Whole Picture, I’ve been Tivo’ing, so I’m learning a bit more about photography.


  1. Cool Jaywalkers! It’s great that you got that stripey effect.

  2. These look fantastic! You really lucked out with the color pattern. Great work!

  3. I was thinking the same theme for my backtack project. I orignally had in mine the eiffel tower fabric over at cia palette. But later thought the eiffel towers were a little large for the kitty pattern. They are 6″ tall. I’ve now found another fabric that hopefully will work. Can’t wait to see yours 🙂 I’m going to do a practise run this week while I wait for my fabric to arrive.

  4. Lilacs are my most favoritest flowers ever, ever. My gramma has two huge lilac trees in her backyard. She is moving this summer and the saddest thing for her is leaving her 40 year old lilacs.
    The socks are fabulous!

  5. Super Eggplant is having a Back Tack party in Portland the end of the month. I didn’t know she was your Back Tack recipient! This cyber space is getting smaller all the time! I like your idea of a glamorous pointy kitty.

  6. Very cute socks!
    Doesn’t sis boom have some wonderful, bold fabrics.

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