let it snow

Posted by on December 19, 2006 in other things | 3 comments

I know it’s not like Minnesota or anything, but it snowed last night!
Snowpines3sm Snowpine2sm
It’s just a little dusting, but it looks like our world had a sprinkling of powdered sugar.

The chickens seem to be taking it in stride:
It didn’t stay on the ground in their little pen at all, but their water was frozen this morning, poor thirsty chucks!

I heard that garden gnomes like snow:
He doesn’t seem to be minding the cold, although his cheeks are sure rosy.

And one last one, just because I think it’s pretty:
I love snow.


  1. It all looks so pretty with that little dusting of snow. I wouldn’t mind a little bit of snow but not too much as both my boyfriend and I have to drive to our respective parents and I don’t want either of us getting stuck so we can’t have our own little Christmas later next week!
    I love the gnome! He looks very happy in the snow.

  2. Oooh, we didn’t get any here! But it’s been cold enough these past few days.

  3. No white Christmas here, boo hoo. Nothing but a bit of rain lately, with temps in the upper 40’s.
    If I can’t stop by in the next few days, have a most blessed Christmas!

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