Meet Sally

Posted by on July 21, 2004 in other things, Uncategorized | 3 comments

Here’s Sally:


I’m hoping she’ll arrive at her destination safely today.

I forgot to take a picture of my spindle and yarn, but maybe it’s better that I wait until I get a little more practice. Spinning is so simple, yet so difficult. I think it’s going to take lots of practice to be able to spin the yarn exactly the weight and texture I want. It’s so fun though, even if my yarn is a bit thick and thin. This link is for my future reference.

I’ve started working on my Salt Peanuts sweater again, I’m almost done with the sleeve I started so many weeks ago, and I think I’ll be concentrating on it most of the time from now on. I have a couple little projects going on-my first attempt at socks, and a baby sweater for the new niece, but there’s no rush on either of those. It was too hot to knit much when the air conditioning was out, but as of yesterday afternoon we have cool air once again!

And today’s gratuitous cute pet picture is Gigi:


I was sitting and knitting in my usual chair while watching TV last night, and looked over, and there she was, just sitting like that.


  1. Oh awesome, I just started spinning a few months ago too!

  2. That is one crazy kitty!
    Just checking the SP2 ring members. It seems like there is something goofy with your image but I can’t figure it out. If you can’t get it to display, let me know and I’ll poke around some more in RingSurf.

  3. LOL Our cat, Patches, will sit like that, too. We call him an old man when he does it (course he kind of is– he’s 7). He sits just like a fat old man in his recliner.

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