monsters and other scary things

Posted by on August 24, 2006 in stitch | 3 comments

I added Lou to the shop today.


Lou has several older siblings in various homes across the country. Lou herself actually traveled to Ohio for Plush Rush. Her big sister Olive went home with somebody, but Lou flew back to California and has been hanging out with me. I have plans to work on a few more monsters this weekend.

When I was adding Lou to etsy I realized that I hadn’t connected my Paypal account to my etsy account. Doh. I hope no one wanted to order something with Paypal. It’s all fixed now, luckily.

I’ve really enjoyed reading other bloggers talking about Pure Style, and living simply. I am slowly trying to simplify and pare down. One of the things I hope to do by making and selling things is to use up all the Stuff I have. I feel so weighed down. But it’s not easy to let go of things I might need someday. I live in a very small house, we don’t have a garage, but we have a little shed and a tiny guesthouse. Lately it seems like whenever we want to find something we look everywhere, moving piles, making messes and shifting junk around. I don’t like the feeling that my stuff is such a controlling part of my life. So I am letting go. And it’s hard.

I listed my piano on Craig’s list yesterday. It’s 30 years old, and my grandfather bought it for me when I was young. I took piano lessons for four years as a child, and never really had the touch. I could play, but I wasn’t anything special. So someone is coming to look at the piano on Saturday morning, and they might just take it with them. I never play it, I never will. I can only do so many things in the hours I have each day. Our living room is way too small for a piano. I know it is the right thing to sell it cheap so some other person can use and enjoy it, but it’s still going to be hard to let it go. Could somebody please reassure me that I’m doing the right thing?


  1. Yes, you are doing the right thing. If it is something you don’t use and never are, it is much better to sell it or give it to someone who will enjoy it and use it. Your grandfather probably bought the piano with the intent that it would be played… if that is not happening, it should go somewhere where it will be played. It is hard to let go of things that are sentimental, but sometimes you have to be practical too. You are selling the piano not the memory.

  2. Lou is adorable! You are doing the right thing. It’s hard to give things up, but if there is someone out there who will love the piano and use it all the time then that’s a better use for it and you can feel good about that. If you lived near me – I’d buy the piano because I really want my kids to learn to play (of course, I don’t have room for it either!).

  3. You know, when you first got to take the piano from our parents’ home, I was angry out of jealousy, but I soon realized that it would have ended up exactly where you find yourself right now. Take a picture of it to remember it by, if you really want to. I think your living room will be better without it.

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