
Posted by on February 3, 2008 in cook | 12 comments

I don’t mean for this to turn into a health food blog, but I was at my local Jimbo’s Natural Foods store, and I found myself in the produce section. I don’t hang out in this part of the store very often, because their produce is typically outrageously expensive, even for organic. I usually stop in on my lunch hour for a good bowl of soup, or something from their deli. Somehow, however, the other day I wandered over, and I just started drooling over everything they had. Produce gets a little boring in the Winter, even in Southern California, which I guess contributed to my gleeful reaction. Also, some things were just so pretty, I knew I had to photograph them (and then eat them, of course!).

This alien-looking vegetable is called Broccoli Romanesco, and supposedly it tastes more like cauliflower than broccoli:

I love the chartreuse color. I plan on cooking it up tonight, so I’ll give you my verdict then.

Mr. Heylucy loves radishes, and I think these French Breakfast radishes are the  prettiest I’ve ever seen. Of course I had to get him some. They are supposed to be good eaten with butter and salt. That sounds good to me!

The radishes were also to make up for the fact that I also brought home these golden beets. Mr. Heylucy hates beets. He hates them as much as he hates liver, which I also hate, so I can understand his degree of hatred. Maybe I won’t tell him that these are beets and see if he likes them.

I think I’ll roast these with some other root vegetables, and a little olive oil and salt.
It’s like I have a rainbow in my refrigerator.


  1. That’s a VEGETABLE? When I saw it I thought it was an amazing piece of coral. I can’t believe it’s edible. I may have to get over my lifelong aversion to cauliflower and give it a try.

  2. Hey, I remember seeing that Brocoli Romanesco in, where else? Rome! or maybe it was somewhere else in Italy, I’m not sure, but I remember thinking along the same lines as you – that it’s a pretty spacey looking veggie. Apparently we aren’t the only people that think so:

  3. Come cook everything at my house! The beets look especially inviting…..I love beets…roasted, boiled, hot, cold and pickled. Once had a terrific beet salad at Tuscany in WLV, had several varieties of beets. A blue apron would be nice!

  4. Wow that broccoli looks awesome. I have to look for some here!

  5. I finally got my kids to eat beets when I told them that it would turn their pee pink. It worked! They still hate the taste, but love the fun. Maybe that will work for Mr. Heylucy.

  6. you should take pictures of your poop too so we can see what it looks like on the way out. Do beets really turn your pee pink? I need to eat more beets.

  7. I love wild and crazy veggies. Beets will turn your pee pinkish if you haven’t had much to eat. Red poop for sure regardless.
    It’s all water based, that’s why you need to eat veggies everyday. It comes and it goes. As do the benefits. I wish I could cook for you if you could cook for me. hearts and flowers. 😉

  8. They are all truly beautiful.

  9. The broccoli looks like something from the sea…kind of coral/reef looking! Southern California sounds mighty nice right about now! We just got a foot of snow dumped on us yesterday, so another “snow day” here in midwest Michigan! I don’t recall there ever being so many days that kids had off because of snow. Wouldn’t normally matter to us, as I homeschool, but my grandson is staying with us, and he DOES go to school!

  10. The broccoli looks like something from the sea…kind of coral/reef looking! Southern California sounds mighty nice right about now! We just got a foot of snow dumped on us yesterday, so another “snow day” here in midwest Michigan! I don’t recall there ever being so many days that kids had off because of snow. Wouldn’t normally matter to us, as I homeschool, but my grandson is staying with us, and he DOES go to school!

  11. I’d hide the beets and the liver and the radishes so I wouldn’t have to eat them for dinner. The freaky broccoli can stay. Please no poop or pee pics.

  12. that broccoli romanesco is gorgeus. looks like a sculpture not a veggie!

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