pin it forward: what home means to me

Posted by on June 30, 2010 in other things | 2 comments

Hello to everyone visiting as they make the pin it forward rounds! I'm so glad I got to be near the end, so I could see and be inspired by everyone else. 

Now that summer is finally, really here, my thoughts of home turn to the outside, more than the inside. I live in a rather tiny house, in a little mountain town east of San Diego. We are lucky enough to have a wrap-around porch, something pretty unusual for Southern California. Over the years I've furnished it with a little of this and a little of that, I've let the clutter pile up until it was a total embarrassment, and I've not really taken full advantage of what was one of the main reasons I wanted to live in this home in the first place. I'm determined to remedy that this summer. 

I love to be outside, watching the chickens and ducks and spending time with Winston and Bear. I have big dreams for an enormous vegetable garden one day, but this year I'm concentrating on the porch. Our porch is really another room in our home. It's covered, and gets the early morning sun, but is pleasantly shady and cool on hot summer afternoons. I want it to be a colorful, comfortable, relaxing space. I want to be able to lounge and read a book and share a meal with friends. 

I'm dreaming big here, but I'm off to a good start with a corner rocking chair and foot stool (I posted this here just the other day, but I'm going to share it again anyway). The next project, which is well underway, is a table and set of four chairs. Painting and seat recovering/re-making are involved, but I'm quite pleased with the color combination.

SofarA daybed will make the porch a place to really feel at home. And then of course I will want to fill it in with lots of plants. Climbing vines, window boxes, and maybe even a vertical succulent garden, don't you think?

To see more porch and garden inspiration, view my whole pinboard, and be sure to visit the source links there!And be sure to check out yesterday's pin-it-forward blog, rouge blanc noir, and then go visit tomorrow's blog, Cyder with Eloise for some delicious looking recipes.   


  1. I love this post. Like you, we spend a great deal of time outdoors and like to make it cozy, just like inside.
    You and I have some things in common, including the general vicinity of our homes…I live in San Diego county too 🙂
    Thank you so much for sharing!

  2. That rug is awesome! I saw a tutorial the other day for an outdoor burlap rug that you could paint designs on with acrylic paint. I bed I could imitate that pattern making lines with painters tape! Thanks for inspiring me!

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