
Posted by on August 22, 2005 in other things, Uncategorized | 9 comments

Yvonne’s package finally arrived on Friday, and to celebrate I took everything to my friend Naz’s house this weekend for our girl’s day by the pool:


It was such a fun package, I love the magazines, and it was so great to practice my Dutch. I may not be so good at speaking it anymore, but I can read it and understand almost everything. And she made an adorable pincushion, which coincidentely matches my website, and I love love love the little pouch in my favorite-linen! The bird embroidery is so sweet. Thanks Yvonne! I hope this is the first of many swaps!

Also poolside, a self-portrait:

Feet! I love going barefoot. My shoes always come off when I get home.

The other cause for celebration by the pool? I got the job! I am now the official Technical Writer at my company. I started today, although I will be going back and forth for a little while to train my replacement when they find one. I’m so excited, this is such an amazing oppurtunity for me. My brain is tired tonight, though, from all the information I have to absorb. I only have two more days with the consultant that has been doing the technical writing and then she will be gone and I will be all on my own. Gulp!


  1. ohh…i cannot wait! i am expecting a swap from yvonne too! šŸ˜€ looks like you received some very pretty things!

  2. I love your photographs, they look so summery and yummy. I’m so glad you like the goodies I’ve sent you. We should swap again soon. It’s so much fun! Oh during November will be a great time for a magazine swap because all the winter editions are so dreamy!
    And congrats on the new job … yay!

  3. I enjoyed the dutch lessons by the pool…I think I can teach it soon.
    Love you like luggage

  4. Congratulations on the new job! It sounds great. :o)

  5. I don’t know about this new job, it seems to leave less time to shoot the breeze with your little bro while he’s on the road.

  6. CONGRATS on the new job!!! I’m “almost” jealous! šŸ˜‰ Loved all your pics! Poolside, wedding, etc. etc. If I ever get it together I’ll post some pics for you too! I tried to add my blog link but I’m not sure if it will work… Michelle’s wedding was beautiful and she seems very happy (talked to her last week). I hope to chat with you again soon!!!

  7. Okay, this one should work! =) Read with caution. šŸ˜€ Oh, and a grain of salt…
    BTW, do you know how to make rag rugs? I totally got into it in MN and started ripping fabric but now I’m not sure what to do… LOL

  8. I miss hearing what my big sista is doing.:-(

  9. What beautiful weather – beats the weather we are having here.
    Lucky you with the swap!

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