Reading is Fundamental

Posted by on February 10, 2006 in other things, Uncategorized | 2 comments

I’m showing off all the books I got for Christmas this year:


The husband discovered how to use my wishlist, and pretty well cleaned it out. Luckily, I’ve already been working on filling it back up. These aren’t all from him, but he got me proabably half of what you see. He also discovered amazon marketplace, and bought a few used, which doesn’t bother me at all, but what’s the deal with the library book? That one arrived after Christmas, and we were both a little puzzled. Should we call the library to make sure no one is selling their books? There’s nothing that says it’s been marked out of circulation. I also got a cd in one of those thin cases, with no label. Since I’ve had cd cases stolen out of my car twice, I have to wonder about this seller a little too.

I’ve also been getting books from the library, since I paid my fine last month, so I’m just a reading fool so far this year. I have enough to keep me busy for a while.


I’ve joined the knitting olympics, and my original plan was to make Lady Eleanor, but I was ‘training’ (trying out a swatch and learning the technique), since I’d never knitted entrelac before, and it was so fun that I just kept going. Six balls later, I don’t think it would really be fair to use that as my project. So I’ll be knitting a pair of socks using 2 circular needles, and knitting them both at the same time. I’ve only made one pair of socks so far, so this will definitely be a challenge for me. I picked up two pair of Addi turbos, size 3 today. Those suckers are kind of pricey, but I got a 16" and a 24", so I’ll hopefully be able to use them for other things. Or I’ll just keep making socks.

Has anyone else noticed how many good blogs there are out there now? I have to update my links. Meanwhile, here are some recently discovered blogs that are lovely, inspiring, and just plain wonderful and have earned bookmarks on my computer:

Doh! I totally forgot! If you’re looking for some good music, my brother’s newest CD is now available! It’s really really good. You should buy one. Click the banner:
It will also be available on iTunes in a couple months, but I wouldn’t want to wait that long, I’d buy the CD from him today. Of course, I don’t have to buy one, he gave me one for free.


  1. Hi! Nice to see that you like my blog. But I can understand that it’s hard for you to read Norwegian. I visit your blog every day… 🙂

  2. I’m going to add you to my favorites and friends list. I always love peeking what other people have on their wish lists. And your brother’s music really rocks.

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