Resolutions and other broken things

Posted by on January 12, 2006 in other things, Uncategorized | 1 comment

New Year’s resolutions never really work out for me. I usually forget by the end of January what all my grand plans were. So I’m trying something different this year, and setting some goals each month to be accomplished within the month. And I’ve decided that they can be just about anything, a task I need to complete, a creative project I want to do, and hopefully there will be some self-improvement tasks in there somewhere as well. January’s list is as follows:

Finish knitting my sweater.  Not sure if I’ll be able to complete it by the end of the month, it’s quite long and the yarn is not bulky-I’m using size 6 needles.

Re-decorate my guest room. I have 2 days off, starting tomorrow, the paint is purchased, art just needs framing, additional bookcase is ready to be put together and fabric has been ordered for window treatments:


I’ll probably try to squeeze in a trip to Ikea, Michael’s and Expo for picture frames, bedding and curtain rods on Saturday once the paint is on the walls.

Throw out all my old (about 8 years worth) Martha Stewart Magazines. Of course I have to go through each one and rip out the pages I want to keep, but this is going to clear up a whole lot of space in my workspace (hereafter referred to as my clubhouse, which is what the husband calls it). This project is well underway, and should be easily completed before the end of the month. When the last one is thrown away the husband assures me that I will be able to take his old stereo, which doesn’t work, by the way, to Goodwill. That will also free up a lot of space in our living room, not to mention that it will be nice to not have to look at that ugly thing.

Pay my library fines. DONE! I don’t know why it took so long, it wasn’t that much money, although it was enough that I was embarrassed about it. It wasn’t even all my fault. I checked out a book for somebody else who lives in my house, and he neglected to return it for so long that they sent us a lost book notice.

So, that is what I hope to accomplish this month. I’m not going to worry about all the other little things that need to be done around the house, I’ll get to those in other months. I’ll be sure to take before and after pictures of my decorating project this weekend. Here’s to a productive New Year!

1 Comment

  1. What a great idea! I think I’ll try it!

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