something new

Posted by on August 18, 2008 in stitch | 2 comments

Three posts in three days! What’s up with that? I just get chatty sometimes, I guess.

I have so many projects to finish that I did the only logical thing I could. Started another one, of course! I had to see how my sewing stool would work for containing a Television Watching Project (TWP), and nothing in the current to-do pile really fit the bill. I like to have some sort of hand-sewing for sitting in front of the TV, so I don’t feel like I’m totally wasting my time. I’ve had this quilt pattern for awhile, and even have the background blocks all cut out, ready to go. I’ve never done needle-turned appliqué before, so it’s slow going, and, as you will see, I need to work on my technique a little more, but I really like doing it. I need to get a few more fabrics for some of the other blocks, but I had everything I needed for the first one.


The pattern is Robyn Pandolph’s Botanika, and I think it’s usually done as a block of the month quilt. Maybe I’ll try to make it that way too. I should be able to finish this block by the end of the month, although some of the others look a little more involved and might take longer. I really like the primitive style of it, but I’m doing it in fresher, brighter colors.


I’m using freezer paper, which works pretty well, but it doesn’t stick as long as I would like. Especially on larger pieces, like the vase. I only made it about 2/3 of the way around before it was peeling up. I just took it off to do the sections within the handles. Any suggestions for making it stick better? Did I iron it too much? Or not enough? Can I re-iron in halfway through?

Oh, and everything fits quite nicely in my little stool, so I’m pretty happy with my $20 purchase.


  1. Really cute, beautiful and sweet!
    Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  2. Hi! I feel like I haven’t been here in the longest time! Clearly, I need to get off Facebook and back to my blogs…Girl, you been busy! I love all the creative stuff you are doing, you are so talented. I do have to say that while I have never done needle-turn applique, I have worked with freezer paper on fabrics. And I have re-ironed it with success, so I just wanted to share that with you.

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