The Great Decluttering Project
I moved on to phase 2 of the great decluttering of the creative space this weekend. There is no photographic documentation this time because I think I’ve publicized my slovenliness enough for now. I rearranged furniture in my guest house, laid down a shabby yet still appealing rug, and found hanging space for the two prized paint-by-number still life’s I snagged at the antique mall for a mere $18 for the pair, framed no less! I do have pictures of those little treasures:
I can only show you a corner of the rug, as the rest is covered with piles of stuff, which brings me to phase 3.
Phase 3 consists of major organizing of Stuff*, much of which will be tossed in the trash or donated to the local library’s rummage sale. And then on to phase 4-paint and window treatments. The plan is to cover the walls and ceiling and mismatched bits of wood trim with the same pale pink I used in the work room/closet (Harmony from Dunn-Edwards, if you are curious) and make some curtains out of natural linen with a wide border at the top of a pretty floral-something from Amy Butler, perhaps. Why oh why were the walls painted in four different colors by some previous owner? All of which are hideously ugly. I do not understand. Then again, this was were they grew some "mystery plants", so I suppose I should not ask such questions.
*including but not limited to: books, fabric, paper, knick-knacks, and junk that I don’t know what to do with but feel that I ought to save for some later need.
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