Tiny Little Things

Posted by on January 10, 2006 in other things, Uncategorized | 2 comments

I went to the antique mall yesterday on my lunch hour, and found some pretty little things.


I cannot resist mother-of-pearl buttons. I found a bag full of a lovely assortment that even included a few pretty buckles. A printed handkerchief, a small bowl in my favorite shade of robin’s egg blue, a book called "Through the Year with Emerson", chosen for the green cover and the inscription and bit of paper I found inside as much as for the subject.

Inscription Onionskin

"Because I deserve such…" a previous owner has declared. And a mysterious list. I can’t tell what the significance of the items on it may be, or how they are related.


  1. What a coincidence, I’ve just posted about a list I found in a 2nd hand book I bought.

  2. I love your list of pretty little things, and I wonder about that mysterious list myself. The whole book–green cover, red letters, inscription, list…it’s got the makings of a mystery novel. Let me know if you figure it out!

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