title-free, multi-subject posting

Posted by on June 13, 2007 in cook | 11 comments

I thought I’d share our fallen tree, although pictures can’t really convey just how massive this thing is. First of all, here is the branch that fell:
Fallen1 Fallen2
The diameter of the branch is about 2 1/2 feet. When I stand next to it, it’s almost knee-high. In the second picture you can see a bit of our 6 foot high fence on the left, which helps to illustrate the scale.

Here is the poor, sad, giant tree:
300years Fallen3
Apparantly it’s not 300 years old as we originally thought, it’s probably closer to 400 years. A couple of the tree guys that have come to give us quotes have stood, mouths gaping, staring up at it, trying to figure out how they’re going to get it down. It should be fun and involve lots of heavy equipment and cranes and things! They tell us that the trunk alone will yield 8-10 cords of wood. Poor tree, you made it so many hundreds of years, I wish you could have made it the next 50 or so of my lifetime.

PinkclogsHere is my fashion tip for today: When purchasing $10 fake Crocs from Target, it’s always good if they match your pajamas, so when you go out at six a.m. to let the darn chickens out, you look good for the neighbors. You might think that no one will see you at six a.m., but you are probably very, very wrong about that fact. I may have bed-head at that hour, but at least I have cute shoes and pajamas.

Speaking of letting the chickens out, I decided to expand my repetoire of egg recipes and add two really great cookbooks to my collection. First is The Farmstead Egg Cookbook, by Terry Golson and second is simply Eggs, by Michel Roux.  I’ve enjoyed Terry’s hen cam for a long time. When I’m at work and missing my girls, I can just pop on over for a quick chicken fix. What a great little cookbook she’s written. The photos are just lovely, and I will probably make nearly every recipe in there. So far we’ve made a couple different frittatas, and the Eggbooks_2 shirred egg with spinach is one of my new favorite breakfasts. Doesn’t it look so pretty with some good, toasted olive bread? Yummy! And the Carbonara is so very easy and delicious.

We’ve been sharing eggs with neighbors and co-workers, and it’s so funny how people think about eggs. One of the husband’s co-workers wasn’t too sure about taking some of our eggs, worried that maybe they weren’t ‘safe’. Wow. Eggs that I collect every day, from chickens who are free to roam and scratch and take dust baths and eat good quality feed as well as treats like lettuce, grapes and apples versus eggs transported after who knows how long (eggs can be labled ‘very fresh’ when they make it to the store in a week, and ‘fresh’ after 2 or 3 weeks, I believe), from chickens crammed 6 to a cage, unable to stretch their wings, in a factory-like building. The choice seems obvious to me. Shirredeggs

The other book, Eggs, is also really beautiful and has recipes not only for chicken eggs, but also quail, duck and goose eggs. Those will come in handy when the geese start laying! All the basics are covered, in great detail. It’s a good reminder to re-learn how long to boil an egg or make really creamy scrambled eggs. I think I might even be brave enough to try poaching some eggs again, although I’ve never been able to do that successfully.

A lot of the recipes are a little more fussy and exotic, and even though I might never make them, they inspire simpler versions. One thing I did learn, while attempting to make the Spanish Tortilla, is that Mexican chorizo and Spanish chorizo are not at all the same thing. At all. Well, I suppose they are both meat products, but that is where the similarity ends. Instead of nice chunks of spicy sausage, I ended up with a soupy, greasy mess. We just threw some cheese and avocado on it and pretended that was the plan all along. It was a pretty tasty mistake :o)


  1. Thanks for the recipe book info, they both sound great. I’ve had people hesitant to try our farm fresh eggs, too. It’s so funny – I guess it shows how removed people are from buying fresh food. We had people come over and they wanted to see the chickens, and the first thing they asked me was how do I know the eggs are “ok to eat.” I really stumbled around for a good answer, I mean, why wouldn’t they be!?!

  2. Mr. P wants to know why the tree branch fell down.:-)

  3. Oh! Poor old tree…I hate it when the big old trees have to go. What will you plant to replace it?
    I enjoy your blog and today I noticed your family all have their blogs listed as well. You guys sure are interesting! And your folks are in China?? Wow! How cool is that?
    As for the chickens, I remember giving away eggs some weeks (this was when we had our farm) and making souffles every night because we still had so many! Now, I just want to sneak a few hens into our new back yard!
    People are funny. I love fresh milk eggs fruits and vegetables, but way too many people are literally afraid of what God gives us to eat, but won’t think twice about the over processed, chemical laced stuff that they can buy in a store or restraunt. Weird, hu?
    Have a wonderful week!
    God bless.

  4. Thanks for the info on the Michel Roux book – we have an abundance of duck eggs and I’d like some new recipes for them (who knew they would beat out the hens as layers?)
    Love the pink fake crocs. 🙂 I’m amazed at how many farmers drive by our new (old) farmhouse when I happen to be outside in my PJs, hair all over the place, letting the puppies out at 5 a.m. They already think I’m nuts with my horned (Jacob) sheep and earless (Mini-LaMancha) goats, so the costume probably doesn’t raise that many more eyebrows. 😉

  5. So sorry about mr. tree. If only he could talk, I bet he has some great stories. I think we need to talk more due to CJ3’s lack of conveying important information ie. new car, tree falling down…So sorry you’ve had a spout of bad luck. I’m sending some good vibes your way as I type. p.s. Mimi is still talking about her chicken experience, I think perhaps at gma joy’s we may have to get some 🙂 I’m having cravings for your super eggs, I have anxiety buying the store bought ones. Talk with you soon, Erin

  6. Glad to see you’re back and kickin’! I’ve had people question me about my egg quality also!!! Can you imagine? Tough decision!

  7. It’s amazing how big trees are when they hit the ground isn’t it?

  8. Same here: We had a garden a couple of years ago and are starting one now that we’re moved in to our house and I was and continue to be amazed at how much better fresh greens are than the wilted, chemically treated, over-soaked “greens” at the grocery store. We had some 3 week old asparagus from the parents-in-law’s garden a few weeks ago and it was far more tender and had much more flavor than any I’ve ever had from a store. Keep the posts coming–we love them.

  9. hey..i have those same pajamas! ha..and i have a pair of cherry jammies too 🙂 we look very much the same in the morning. i am a friend over on flickr. i have a blogspot. do you like your typepad account? just curious.. i also have a live journal 🙂
    take care! julie

  10. hi, i have had livejournal for three years or more. its mostly private. its free, if you join you can add me and i will add you back. there are some really nice people and artists that i have met there. blogger , just this month. i have had it awhile, but just started using it.
    may i add you to my blogger?
    thanks, jules

  11. I used to bring my hens’ eggs to my office to give to office co-workers. After a few years, I gave up because they kept asking me if they were safe. I figure if people have to ask me that, they are not worthy of a fresh hen’s egg.
    On the other hand, the Columbian and Spanish women in the mill lined up for the chance at fresh eggs. So, I gave the eggs to them gladly. I also brought them a few live roosters which they were overjoyed with. It was quite funny when one escaped and ran through the spinning machinery. We finally caught him. One day I came to work after a rooster weekend and there were the rooster’s spurs on my desk!

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