To Do Lists

Posted by on July 26, 2005 in other things, Uncategorized | 1 comment

Every weekend in July has been booked solid, so I’m dreadfully behind. This past Saturday was my company picnic at the zoo:


I was able to take one picture from the Skyfari above the zoo before my battery died.

So this is what I want to get done before Friday when my MIL comes to visit for the weekend:

Clean the house.
Finish and send my BackTack project (yes, I know, it’s completely late, but June was kind of a disaster, what with a death in the family and all and my recipient has been fully informed and is being very understanding, and I just really want to make it extra special nice since she is being so patient).
Make a sock monkey a la peng peng. I have the socks and everything.
Make an apron for Tie One On. I have the pink linen and everything!
Make the guestbook for my sister’s wedding, for which I leave next Wednesday. I bought the paper this weekend!
Finish up and mail out my Snail Mail Swap package. I have everything for that, just need to stitch up one little gift.
Gather together and send some magazines and goodies to Yvonne for our own little swap.
Paint the computer room. Paint and supplies are all sitting in there waiting for me.

Hmmm, it looks like I’m really good at preparing to do things, I just need to work on the follow through.

1 Comment

  1. I know, there’s always so much to do and so little time. The heat is slowing me down too. I love the sky safari – it looks amazing! I’m going to get your goodies out this weekend too :o) I love swaps!

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