
Posted by on September 22, 2009 in other things | 14 comments

There hasn’t been any Winston here for awhile, so I thought I’d just add this picture from last weekend when he insisted on coming along while I ran errands. He makes me laugh the way he sits in the front seat and is such a good little passenger.



  1. Can Winston teach my dogs to sit calmly in the car?
    I like the picture.

  2. I’m a lucky dog!

  3. I’m not too much of a dog person….but I sure like Winston.

  4. Winston could convert even the most anti-dog person into a dog lover.
    Sent from my iPhone

  5. Winston makes me miss my dogs very much. Post more pics of him or I shall provoke Twitter Wars with you.
    I mean, “with”…”you.”

  6. Yes ma’am! I would stand no chance in a “twitter” “war” with you, I am not
    witty enough. Will this do until I can post more?
    Thank goodness you are tweeting, I was getting worried since you haven’t
    blogged for a very long time.

  7. Oh my god, I want to eat Winston’s nose!! And then cuddle him!
    I am just sick of my dumb blog. Tweeting is much less pressure, which is good for a lazy person like me.

  8. He looks like he’s a good navigator!

  9. what a sweet boy that Winston is…and such a good rider!

  10. Such a cute boy!

  11. Winston can come ride with me anytime, although he would have to share with Daisy, my spoodle. They would make a good pair actually as she is almost a mini version of him. Love your blog by the way, see you soon x

  12. I haven’t stopped by in ages. Your photographs are beautiful! And Winston is a love bug. Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving today… -Robin

  13. Can you please tell me what breed winston is? on the lookout for a dog like this.

  14. Winston was a rescue dog, so we're not sure, but we think he is an old English sheepdog or bearded collie. He's small for a sheepdog, at about 50 lbs, and still has his tail (they are usually docked), so he's most likely some combination. He definitely is a herding dog, and has the best personality.
    Just keep your eyes peeled, and you'll find the right dog. I recommend visiting shelters and adoption events. Winston was sitting outside Petco when I went for cat food one day. I wasn't expecting to get a dog, but our eyes met, and it was all over 🙂

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